Gazprom to expand network of CNG stations along key highways


Vitaly Markelov, Deputy Chairman of the Gazprom Management Committee and Sergey Kelbakh, Chairman of the Board of the Russian Highways State Company (Avtodor), today signed at the 7th St. Petersburg International Gas Forum an Action Plan (Roadmap) to develop the natural gas filling infrastructure along the federal highways under the responsibility of Avtodor.

Sergey Kelbakh, Chairman of Board of Russian Highways State Company (Avtodor), and Vitaly Markelov signing Action Plan (Roadmap) at 7th St. Petersburg International Gas Forum to develop natural gas filling infrastructure along federal highways under Avtodor’s responsibility
Sergey Kelbakh, Chairman of Board of Russian Highways State Company (Avtodor), and Vitaly Markelov signing Action Plan (Roadmap) at 7th St. Petersburg International Gas Forum to develop natural gas filling infrastructure along federal highways under Avtodor’s responsibility

Sergey Kelbakh and Vitaly Markelov at signing ceremony

In accordance with the Roadmap, Gazprom plans to build new compressed natural gas filling stations (CNG stations) and cryogenic filling stations (LNG/CNG stations) on highways with high cargo and passenger traffic and near large road junctions. Avtodor will allocate land plots for Gazprom’s gas filling facilities.

Stage one (until 2021) envisages the construction of gas filling infrastructure on the M-11 Moscow – Saint Petersburg highway (section connecting the North – South and Europe – Western China international transport routes). CNG stations and cryogenic filling stations are also planned to be built along the M-1 Belarus and M-4 Don highways and the Central Ring Road in Moscow and the Moscow Region, with up to 32 gas filling facilities to be potentially created.

At stage two, (2021–2030) gas filling stations will be constructed along the M-1 Belarus and M-3 Ukraine highways, the Central Ring Road, the Moscow – Kazan – Russian-Kazakh border section of the Europe – Western China corridor and the Kazan – Omsk – Far East section of the West – East route, with up to 29 gas filling facilities to be additionally created.

Gazprom to expand network of CNG stations along key highways
Gazprom to expand network of CNG stations along key highways

Visual rendering of CNG station



The 7th St. Petersburg International Gas Forum is being held as part of the Energy Efficiency and Energy Development International Forum 'Russian Energy Week.'

The production and marketing of natural gas as a vehicle fuel is one of Gazprom's priorities. A special-purpose company, Gazprom Gazomotornoye Toplivo, was established for ensuring the continuous development of the NGV market.

The Russian Highways State Company (Avtodor) was established in 2009. The company aims to expand the network of toll highways, attract extrabudgetary investments, and develop the roadside service infrastructure.

Avtodor carries out trust management over the following highways: M-1 Belarus, M-3 Ukraine, M-4 Don, and M-11 Moscow – St. Petersburg (currently under construction). The company is also responsible for the construction of the Central Ring Road.

Avtodor is engaged in a number of promising projects, such as the construction of the Europe – Western China international transport corridor. The total length of the route in Russia will be around 2,300 kilometers.


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