Gazprom and FASIE to support promising projects of small businesses

Oleg Aksyutin, Member of the Management Committee, Head of Department of Gazprom, and Sergey Polyakov, Director General of the Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises (FASIE), today signed at the 7th St. Petersburg International Gas Forum an Agreement for scientific and technical cooperation and partnership.
Gazprom and FASIE will join forces to support small enterprises that develop innovative products consistent with the Company’s technological priorities. Such priorities include hydrocarbon prospecting and exploration, gas production, processing, marketing and use, and technologies aimed at improving the efficiency of gas storage and transportation practices.
In accordance with the document, Gazprom will provide advisory support in the course of R&D and engineering and will take part in the implementation and drafting of FASIE’s programs. In its turn, FASIE will contribute to the Company’s top-priority innovative projects and will attract small hi-tech innovative businesses to the competitive landscape of Gazprom’s suppliers.
The 7th St. Petersburg International Gas Forum is being held as part of the Energy Efficiency and Energy Development International Forum 'Russian Energy Week.'
The Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises is a state-owned non-commercial organization that supports small innovative businesses and fosters effective coordination between small enterprises and industry majors.
The Foundation implements innovative development programs to facilitate the creation and development of hi-tech companies with the possibility of co-funding their projects.