Association of gas construction companies becomes member of INTERGAZCERT voluntary certification system
Vitaly Markelov, Deputy Chairman of the Gazprom Management Committee, and Vladimir Khurtsilava, Executive Director of the Association of gas construction companies, today signed an Agreement at the 7th St. Petersburg International Gas Forum to cooperate within the INTERGAZCERT voluntary certification system.
The document defines the Association as the Central Body of the INTERGAZCERT system responsible for construction materials and works (services). The parties will cooperate in arranging for the voluntary certification of products, works and management systems in this area.
The cooperation within the framework of the Agreement is aimed, in particular, at increasing the competitiveness of domestic enterprises and construction companies, and further developing the INTERGAZCERT system.
The 7th St. Petersburg International Gas Forum is being held as part of the Energy Efficiency and Energy Development International Forum 'Russian Energy Week.'
The Association of gas construction companies was established in 2016 with the purpose to coordinate the efforts aimed at developing equipment and technologies and improve the regulatory framework for construction activities across the gas industry.
The INTERGAZCERT system was developed by Gazprom on the basis of the best international practices. The system is meant to certify compliance of products, works, services and management systems with international and national standards, as well as Gazprom's standards. The system covers a large number of homogeneous product groups from natural gas and oil to a wide range of oil and gas machinery, automation facilities, and software. Each of those product groups is governed by a specific set of standards, special rules, and certification procedures.