Gazprom Group’s Comprehensive Target Program for Integrated Information Environment approved
The Gazprom Management Committee approved the 2018–2022 Comprehensive Target Program for the Development of the Integrated Information Environment of the Gazprom Group. The Company’s relevant subdivisions are tasked with implementing the Program.
The Integrated Information Environment (IIE) was established and is successfully maintained as part of Gazprom’s Informatization Strategy. Specifically, 35 information management systems were introduced at Gazprom and a number of its subsidiaries, helping automate the most important business processes. In addition, a Corporate Data Bank was created on the basis of key performance indicators to support the adoption of managerial decisions by the Company’s top executives. A high-performance Data Processing Center was built in compliance with the stringent requirements for information security.
The key development goals of the Gazprom Group with regard to information technologies (IT) are to introduce automated solutions at every level of corporate governance across the Group and to bring the IIE to the next level in line with the digital economy-oriented trends.
The approved Program is underpinned by three basic principles: integration, innovativeness, and import substitution. It employs cutting-edge IT solutions to maximize connectivity among information management systems and to synergize Gazprom’s businesses. Preference is given to domestic solutions that have the required functional capabilities.
The Program contains a list of top-priority measures aimed at, among other things, improving the efficiency of operations, investments, marketing, and financial management processes.
Emphasis is placed on IT support for business management purposes. The Company intends to provide for the integrated automation of operational accounting and planning, as well as to create a single virtual data storage for real-time data from facilities. The automated process management systems that are currently in operation at the subsidiaries will also be integrated into the Gazprom Group’s IIE along with the tools for monitoring, modeling and forecasting the technical condition of operational assets.
There is also significant potential in developing the production complex through the use of an advanced business management model (Industry 4.0 concept). It is planned, inter alia, to apply the abundant computational capacities and the big data processing platform to generate digital models of operating facilities (“digital twins”). This method will result in a more integrated approach toward assessing the potential of such facilities, finding new opportunities to achieve greater efficiency, and optimizing capital and operating expenses. All this will make it possible to advance business management techniques to a fundamentally new level.
The implementation of the Program will improve controls over the Gazprom Group’s business process architecture and ensure continuous performance oversight for the Group in general and individual organizational units in particular.
Gazprom’s Informatization Strategy was approved in January 2008.
The Industry 4.0 (fourth industrial revolution) concept envisages a wide use of digital technologies and application of proactive management tools to operational facilities and processes across the entire value-added chain for maximum business profitability.