Notice of Press Conferences to be held on threshold of Shareholders Meetings
Dear members of the media and representatives of investment and finance companies,
We are pleased to invite you to the traditional press conferences of Gazprom's top management to be held in the lead-up to the Company's annual General Shareholders Meeting.
The press conferences to take place from May 17 through June 22 are as follows:
May 17 (Wednesday) 11:00 am (Moscow time)
Gazprom's Power Generation Strategy
- Denis Fyodorov, Directorate Head, Gazprom; Director General, Gazprom Energoholding.
May 19 (Friday) 10:00 am (Moscow time)
Mineral and Raw Material Base Development. Gas Production. Gas Transmission System Development
- Vitaly Markelov, Deputy Chairman of the Management Committee, Gazprom;
- Oleg Aksyutin, Member of the Management Committee, Department Head, Gazprom;
- Vyacheslav Mikhalenko, Member of the Management Committee, Department Head, Gazprom;
- Sergey Prozorov, Member of the Management Committee, Department Head, Gazprom;
- Vsevolod Cherepanov, Member of the Management Committee, Department Head, Gazprom.
May 23 (Tuesday) 11:00 am (Moscow time)
Gas Supply to Domestic Market. Executing Russian Regions Gasification Program
- Kirill Seleznev, Member of the Management Committee, Department Head, Gazprom; Director General, Gazprom Mezhregiongaz.
June 6 (Tuesday) 11:00 am (Moscow time)
Gas Export and Enhancing Reliability of Gas Supply to Europe
- Alexander Medvedev, Deputy Chairman of the Management Committee, Gazprom;
- Pavel Oderov, Department Head, Gazprom;
- Elena Burmistrova, Director General, Gazprom Export.
June 8 (Thursday) 09:15 am (Moscow time)
Gazprom in Eastern Russia, Entry into Asia-Pacific Markets
- Vitaly Markelov, Deputy Chairman of the Management Committee, Gazprom;
- Alexander Medvedev, Deputy Chairman of the Management Committee, Gazprom;
- Oleg Aksyutin, Member of the Management Committee, Department Head, Gazprom;
- Vyacheslav Mikhalenko, Member of the Management Committee, Department Head, Gazprom;
- Sergey Prozorov, Member of the Management Committee, Department Head, Gazprom;
- Vsevolod Cherepanov, Member of the Management Committee, Department Head, Gazprom;
- Pavel Oderov, Department Head, Gazprom;
- Elena Burmistrova, Director General, Gazprom Export.
June 22 (Thursday) 11:00 am (Moscow time)
Gazprom's Financial and Economic Policy
- Andrey Kruglov, Deputy Chairman of the Management Committee, Gazprom;
- Elena Vasilieva, Deputy Chairwoman of the Management Committee, Chief Accountant, Gazprom;
- Alexander Ivannikov, Department Head, Gazprom;
- Karen Oganyan, Department Head, Gazprom;
- Vitaly Khatkov, Department Head, Gazprom.
The press conferences will be held at the Gazprom office located at 16 Nametkina Street, Moscow.
Travel route: ride the first car of the subway train going from downtown to the Noviye Cheryomushki subway station and take trolley bus No. 60 or buses Nos. 246 or 648 to the Novocheryomushkinskaya Ulitsa bus stop. Admittance to the building will be granted in accordance with accreditation lists. All visitors must carry passports and press passes.
To obtain accreditation for journalists, investment companies' representatives, and investment bank analysts, please call:
+7 812 609-34-21
- (Sofya Dvornik);
- (Arseny Annenkov).
June 30 (Friday)
On June 30, Gazprom's annual General Shareholders Meeting will be followed by the final press conference featuring the Chairman of the Gazprom Board of Directors and the Chairman of the Gazprom Management Committee.
Free Wi-Fi access will be provided during all press conferences and the General Shareholders Meeting.
The press conferences of Gazprom's top management will be broadcast live over the Internet at in Russian and English from May 17 through June 22. The speech by Alexey Miller, Chairman of the Gazprom Management Committee, at the Shareholders Meeting along with the final press conference will be broadcast on June 30.
The audio transmission of said events and Alexey Miller's speech will be available in Russian and English at the following phone numbers: +7 495 719-35-77 and +7 495 719-30-00 (multi-line system).
In addition, the visitors of the website will have the opportunity to pose written questions online in Russian and English to the participants of the press conferences.