Refueling infrastructure for passenger natural gas vehicles to be expanded in Moscow


Vitaly Markelov, Deputy Chairman of the Management Committee of Gazprom, and Maxim Liksutov, Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Moscow Government, Head of Moscow’s Department for Transport and Road Infrastructure Development, signed today at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum 2017 an Agreement to promote the use of natural gas as a vehicle fuel.

The Agreement is aimed at developing and implementing investment projects for the construction of refueling infrastructure for passenger natural gas vehicles, as well as increasing the number of gas-powered buses in Moscow.

By 2025, it is planned to expand Moscow’s NGV refueling infrastructure by building facilities with an aggregate capacity of at least 136 million cubic meters of gas per year, with Moscow’s bus fleet adding no less than 3,000 gas-driven vehicles.

The parties also intend to further their cooperation with regard to the use of natural gas in railroad and river transportation.


The Agreement to promote the use of natural gas as a vehicle fuel was developed as a follow-up to the Agreement of Cooperation in the NGV sector signed in 2013.

There are currently 21 CNG filling stations in Moscow, one of which is owned by Gazprom and the rest by Mosavtogaz. Gazprom plans to bring one more CNG station into operation in 2017.

Mosgortrans owns 152 gas-powered buses, which in the course of their operation have proven to possess a number of significant advantages over similar vehicles running on conventional fuels: comparatively low price of natural gas as a fuel, reduced operating costs (partly conditioned by the longer engine life), and minimum noise impacts.


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