Gazprom and Uzbekneftegaz sign Agreement of Strategic Cooperation


Alexey Miller, Chairman of the Management Committee of Gazprom, and Gulomzhon Ibragimov, Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Chairman of the Board of Governors of Uzbekneftegaz, signed today at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum 2017 an Agreement of Strategic Cooperation between Gazprom and Uzbekneftegaz.

Gazprom and Uzbekneftegaz sign Agreement of Strategic Cooperation
Gazprom and Uzbekneftegaz sign Agreement of Strategic Cooperation

Gulomzhon Ibragimov and Alexey Miller

The document provides for joint efforts in the implementation of new Uzbekistan-based projects in such fields as gas infrastructure renovation, construction and operation; hydrocarbon exploration, production, processing and storage; use of compressed and liquefied natural gas for autonomous gasification purposes; and development of the General Scheme for Gas Supply to the Republic of Uzbekistan.

A working meeting was held between Alexey Miller and Gulomzhon Ibragimov. The meeting participants expressed their appreciation for the newly signed Agreement, noting that it would have a strong positive effect on the development of the Uzbek gas industry.

Areas of hydrocarbon prospecting, exploration and development by Gazprom in Uzbekistan (Ustyurt region)
Areas of hydrocarbon prospecting, exploration and development by Gazprom in Uzbekistan (Ustyurt region)

Areas of hydrocarbon prospecting, exploration and development by Gazprom in Uzbekistan (Ustyurt region)


Gazprom’s main partner in Uzbekistan is Uzbekneftegaz National Holding Corporation focused on oil and gas prospecting, production, processing, transportation, storage and marketing.

In 2006, Gazprom and Uzbekneftegaz inked the Agreement on the basic principles of geological exploration at investment blocks in the Ustyurt region of Uzbekistan.

On April 5, 2017, Gazprom and Uzbekneftegaz inked a contract for 4 billion cubic meters of Uzbek gas to be purchased by Gazprom annually in the period of up to 5 years starting from 2018, as well as the Agreement on joint geological exploration and engineering & innovation work.

In 2016, Gazprom purchased around 6.2 billion cubic meters of natural gas from Uzbekistan.


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