Energy efficiency management system receives Gazprom’s Science and Technology Prize
The award ceremony for the 2017 edition of Gazprom’s Science and Technology Prize took place at the meeting of the Company’s Management Committee. It was noted at the ceremony that the total economic benefit of the award-winning innovations, including import-substituting ones, had exceeded RUB 18 billion.
The top prize went to Gazprom VNIIGAZ for the paper entitled “Corporate management system for energy efficiency and greenhouse gas emissions at Gazprom.” The paper offers a comprehensive solution to the challenge of reducing the amount of energy used for process needs and minimizing greenhouse gas emissions. The economic benefit of the system implemented in 2011–2016 totals RUB 11.6 billion.
The second place was taken by the “High-definition technology in production well diagnostics” project presented by Gazprom Georesource.
The author teams of the following projects also received awards:
“Development and introduction of advanced technologies for strength tests, cavity draining and start-up in Gazprom’s gas pipelines” by Orgenergogaz;
“Development, manufacturing and introduction of prototypes of automatic control system for Kvant-R gas compressor unit, RIUS-R automatic process system for compressor workshops, and PK VEGA-R automatic fire-fighting and gas hazard monitoring system using Russian software and hardware” by Gazprom Transgaz Moscow;
“Development and introduction of domestic equipment at facilities of Astrakhanskoye gas and condensate field” by Gazprom Dobycha Astrakhan;
“Design and creation of non-intrusive diagnostics kit for infield pipelines in need of essential repairs” by Gazprom Neft;
“Methodology and software for assessing limit value of pre-investment studies” by NIIgazeconomika.
Gazprom’s Science and Technology Prize was established in 1998. The Prize is an important component of the corporate scientific and technological policy aimed at promoting innovations in the Company’s businesses and maintaining its technological leadership within the global energy industry.
In 2017, Gazprom's subsidiaries submitted 23 projects for the Prize, with 188 authors engaged in the projects.
The papers were assessed by a group of experts from Gazprom and its subsidiaries. The assessment criteria included urgency, novelty, scientific and technological level (research intensity), area of application, scope and economic impact with regard to Gazprom, commercial potential and protectability, and use of domestic products, technologies and equipment.