Gazprom’s annual General Shareholders Meeting decides on agenda items
The annual General Shareholders Meeting of Gazprom made decisions on the following agenda items.
The Meeting approved the Company's 2015 Annual Report and Accounting (Financial) Statements. It was resolved to allocate the Company's profit, including to pay out annual dividends, based on the financial year results.
According to the Company's 2015 operating results, the Shareholders Meeting approved the dividend amount: RUB 7.89 per (9.6 per cent more than last year). The dividends make up over 50 per cent of the adjusted net profit under Gazprom's 2015 Annual Accounting (Financial) Statements compiled in compliance with the Russian law.
July 20, 2016 was set as the date for determining the persons entitled to receive dividends. Meanwhile, August 3, 2016 was endorsed as the deadline to receive dividends for the nominal shareholders and trustees who are stock professionals listed in the Register of Shareholders, and August 24, 2016 – for the rest of the registered shareholders. Those decisions fully comply with the Board of Directors' recommendations.
The Meeting approved FBK as Gazprom's Auditor for 2016. The company had won the open tender held by Gazprom.
The Shareholders Meeting resolved to pay out the remuneration to the Gazprom Board of Directors and Audit Commission Members, who are not governmental officials or do not hold state civil service positions in the Russian Federation, in the amount recommended by the Board of Directors.
The Shareholders Meeting approved the amendments to the Articles of Association, as well as the updated regulations on the Gazprom General Shareholders Meeting, Board of Directors, Management Committee, and Management Committee Chairman. The amendments to the Articles of Association had been prepared mainly due to the changes in the Federal Law on Joint Stock Companies and the updated regulations – due to the changes in the said Federal Law and the Articles of Association approved by the Company's Shareholders Meeting in June 2015.
The Shareholders Meeting ratified a number of related-party transactions to be potentially executed by Gazprom while carrying on its usual business.