2016–2020 Program for Comprehensive Overhaul of Gas Mains approved


The Gazprom Management Committee approved the 2016–2020 Program for Comprehensive Overhaul of Linear Sections of Gas Mains.

2016–2020 Program for Comprehensive Overhaul of Gas Mains approved
2016–2020 Program for Comprehensive Overhaul of Gas Mains approved

Overhaul of gas main’s linear section

The Program targets to maintain a sustainable and a fail-safe operation of linear sections of Gazprom-owned gas transmission system (GTS) encompassing over 170 thousand kilometers.

The Company employs a state-of-the-art planning procedure for facilities’ upgrade, which is based on monitoring the GTS’s health and integrity. After the risk evaluation and integrated assessment of facilities is done, the priority is given to those ones which are expected to boost the GTS performance upon the overhaul completion. Such an approach allows increasing the operational reliability of facilities, enhancing the scope of work and spending the funds most effectively.

At the end of the meeting, the Company’s structural units were requested to use the Program as a backbone when drawing up annual plans to overhaul linear parts of gas mains.

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