Natalia Borisenko takes over new Department 840


A new Department 840 headed by Natalia Borisenko is established at Gazprom.

Andrey Kruglov, Deputy Chairman of the Gazprom Management Committee will supervise the Department.

Natalia Borisenko was born in 1977 in Moscow. She graduated from Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation in 1999, majoring in financial management. Natalia Borisenko has a PhD in economics.

In 1998 – lead economist at the Treasury of RAO Gazprom, chief economist at the accounting management division of Mezhregiongaz, Treasury of the Department for Finance, Gazprom.

Between 1998 and 2002 – senior economist, chief economist, Deputy Head of the Division for Accounting Management in Subsidiaries and Affiliates, Treasury of the Department for Finance, Gazprom.

Between 2002 and 2004 – Head of the Consolidation and Planning Division, Treasury of the Corporate Financing Department, Gazprom.

Between 2004 and 2007 – Deputy Head of the Infrastructure Economics Planning Directorate, Department for Finance and Economics, Gazprom.

Between 2007 and 2011 – Head of the Directorate for Information and Analytical Systems, Department for Finance and Economics, Gazprom.

Between 2011 and 2014 – Deputy Head of the Department for Finance and Economics, Gazprom.

Since 2015 – Deputy Head of Department 816, Gazprom.

Department 811 is dismissed and its head Nikolai Stolyar has left his post due to retirement.

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