Gazprom boosting reliability of energy supply to Moscow and Urals


Alexander Novak, Russian Minister of Energy and Alexey Miller

Today a ceremony was held, dedicated to the commissioning of two state-of-the-art combined cycle gas turbine units at CHPP-20 in Moscow and the Serov SDPP in the Sverdlovsk Region.

Taking part in the event were Alexander Novak, Russian Minister of Energy, Alexey Miller, Chairman of the Gazprom Management Committee as well as heads of the Company's structural units and subsidiaries. The meeting connected to CHPP-20 and the Serov SDPP via teleconference.

Alexander Novak, Russian Minister of Energy and Alexey Miller
Alexander Novak, Russian Minister of Energy and Alexey Miller

Alexander Novak and Alexey Miller

Russian President Vladimir Putin gave the command to launch the turbine units via video call.

Ceremony dedicated to commissioning of two state-of-the-art combined cycle gas turbine units held
Ceremony dedicated to commissioning of two state-of-the-art combined cycle gas turbine units held

During video call with Vladimir Putin

The construction projects for the combined cycle gas turbine units (CCGT-420) at CHPP-20 of Mosenergo and the Serov SDPP of OGK-2 were implemented using the same equipment (gas and steam turbines manufactured by Siemens, exhaust heat boilers – by Power Machines). The installed electric capacity of each turbine unit is 420 MW, efficiency is about 58 per cent.

Gazprom boosting reliability of energy supply to Moscow and Urals
Gazprom boosting reliability of energy supply to Moscow and Urals

CCGT-420 of Serov SDPP

Commissioning the new turbine units will contribute to higher reliability of energy supply to consumers in Moscow and the Serovo-Bogoslovsky energy hub as well as better environmental performance of the power plants.

“Today for the first time in the history of Gazprom two new combined cycle gas turbine units with an aggregate capacity of 840 MW have been commissioned at once. All in all, since entering the power industry in 2007 Gazprom commissioned some 7 GW of new capacities so far.

The commissioning of CCGT-420 in Moscow marks the completion of the Mosenergo investment program under the capacity supply agreements. Overall, seven cutting-edge combined cycle gas turbine units with an aggregate capacity of 2.9 GW (more than 21 per cent of the company's total installed capacity) were built at Mosenergo power plants. Over the period of operation, combined cycle gas turbine units proved their production and economic efficiency, making it possible to save natural gas and significantly reduce air emissions,” said Alexey Miller.

Ceremony dedicated to commissioning of two state-of-the-art combined cycle gas turbine units held
Ceremony dedicated to commissioning of two state-of-the-art combined cycle gas turbine units held

Turbine unit of CCGT-420 at CHPP-20, Moscow


The CCGT-420 at CHPP-20 and the Serov SDPP are included in the List of Power Generating Facilities to Be Used for Capacity Delivery under Capacity Supply Agreements, as approved by the Russian Federation Government's Directive No. 1334-r dated August 11, 2010.

CHPP-20 (a branch of Mosenergo) is located in the Southwestern Administrative District of Moscow. The power plant was commissioned in 1952. CHPP-20 supplies power and heat to areas in Moscow with the population exceeding 1.5 million people: Akademichesky, Gagarinsky, Lomonosovsky, Obruchevsky, Donskoy, Dorogomilovsky, Danilovsky Districts as well as Yakimanka, Zyuzino, Kotlovka, Konkovo, Cheryomushki and Zamoskvorechye. Natural gas is the primary fuel.

Prior to the CCGT-420 commissioning, the installed electric capacity of CHPP-20 totaled 730 MW, heat capacity – 2,400 Gcal/h. After the CCGT-420 commissioning, the respective capacities increased to 1,150 MW and 2,620 Gcal/h. In that way CHPP-20 became Mosenergo's largest power plant located in the immediate vicinity of the center of the capital. In order to optimize the existing equipment range at Mosenergo, several power boilers and turbines at CHPP-20 with an aggregate capacity of 190 MW are scheduled for decommissioning till 2020.

The Serov SDPP (a branch of OGK-2) is located in the Serovo-Bogoslovsky industrial hub close to the town of Serov (Sverdlovsk Region). The Serov SDPP was commissioned in 1954. Coal is its primary fuel. Before the CCGT-420 commissioning, the installed electric capacity totaled 388 MW and after the CCGT-420 commissioning, it reached 808 MW.

In 2005–2006 RAO UES of Russia planned the construction of two coal-fired turbine units STU-330 (330 MW) at the Serov SDPP. After entering the power industry Gazprom Group revised these plans, selecting the combined cycle gas technology as more efficient from the technical, economic and environmental viewpoints.

Gazprom Energoholding (a wholly-owned subsidiary of Gazprom) holds a controlling stake in Mosenergo and OGK-2.

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