Vitaly Markelov: Gazprom commissions entire liquid helium production cycle


The Orenburg Region hosted today the celebrations dedicated to commissioning OG-500 helium liquefaction unit at the Orenburg Helium Plant. Before that the Plant produced only commercial gaseous helium.

OG-500 helium liquefaction unit commissioned at Orenburg Helium Plant in Orenburg Region
OG-500 helium liquefaction unit commissioned at Orenburg Helium Plant in Orenburg Region

Helium liquefaction unit

Taking part in the event were Vitaly Markelov, Deputy Chairman of the Gazprom Management Committee, heads of Gazprom's specialized structural units and contracting agencies.

Vitaly Markelov (second from left) taking part in celebrations dedicated to commissioning OG-500 helium liquefaction unit at Orenburg Helium Plant
Vitaly Markelov (second from left) taking part in celebrations dedicated to commissioning OG-500 helium liquefaction unit at Orenburg Helium Plant

Vitaly Markelov (second from left)

OG-500 helium liquefaction unit commissioned at Orenburg Helium Plant in Orenburg Region
OG-500 helium liquefaction unit commissioned at Orenburg Helium Plant in Orenburg Region

Ceremonial commissioning of helium liquefaction unit

OG-500 is an innovative cryogenic process line for producing and loading liquid helium of 4.2 million liters annual design capacity. Its state-of-the-art equipment provides for the maximum gas treatment for various impurities. The process results in a high quality product showing helium content of no less than 99.9999 per cent. The system design ensures extremely short helium cooling-off time as well as low consumption of both power and liquid nitrogen. This eliminates helium losses during the liquefaction process.

OG-500 helium liquefaction unit commissioned at Orenburg Helium Plant in Orenburg Region
OG-500 helium liquefaction unit commissioned at Orenburg Helium Plant in Orenburg Region

Gaseous helium buffer tank (left) and liquid nitrogen storage tank

Helium will be shipped by specialist tank trucks maintaining the temperature at minus 269 degrees Celsius for a long time to keep helium in a liquid state.

OG-500 helium liquefaction unit commissioned at Orenburg Helium Plant in Orenburg Region
OG-500 helium liquefaction unit commissioned at Orenburg Helium Plant in Orenburg Region

Filling specialist tank truck with liquid helium

“By commissioning the unit Gazprom completed a single liquid helium production chain – from extraction to delivery – thus minimizing its production costs. In the end the Company gets a highly marketable commodity that finds demand in the Russian and foreign markets,” said Vitaly Markelov.


Helium is a unique inert gas that features high thermal and electric conductivity and keeps its liquid state at extremely low temperatures. It is widely used in various industries: space and nuclear, rocket engineering, health care, electronics, metallurgy, advertisement, vehicle manufacturing.

Gazprom Gazenergoset acted as the construction customer and Gazprom Dobycha Orenburg will act as the unit operator. Both companies are incorporated in Gazprom Group.


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