Gazprom boosting reliability of energy supply to Moscow
A new combined cycle gas turbine unit (PGU-420) with a capacity of 420 MW was commissioned today at CHPP-16 of Mosenergo in Moscow.
Taking part in the event were Alexey Miller, Chairman of the Gazprom Management Committee, Sergey Sobyanin, Mayor of Moscow, Kirill Seleznev, Member of the Gazprom Management Committee, Denis Fyodorov, Director General of Gazprom Energoholding, Vitaly Yakovlev, Director General of Mosenergo.
“The new gas turbine unit increases the power generating capacity of CHPP-16 more than twofold, considerably boosts the reliability of gas supply to consumers in Moscow and lays the energy foundation for developing northwestern areas of Moscow. Here the construction of new housing blocks, schools, kindergartens, hospitals and sports facilities is well underway. It is important that the use of a new turbine unit considerably saves natural gas and strongly mitigates the environmental impact of the power plant,” said Alexey Miller.
During the event he congratulated via video conference all the employees and veterans of Gazprom Group’s power generating subsidiaries on their professional holiday – Power Engineer’s Day celebrated the day before, as well as on the coming New Year holidays.
CHPP-16 (branch of Mosenergo) is located in the Northwestern Administrative District of Moscow. The installed power capacity of CHPP-16 (before commissioning PGU-420) totaled 360 MW, heat capacity – 1,484 Gcal/h. The PGU-420 power capacity equals 420 MW, heat capacity – 195 Gcal/h. CHPP-16 secures power and heat supply to northwestern areas of Moscow with the population exceeding 1.5 million people. The Northwestern Administrative District is among the most dynamically developing districts of Moscow with fast-growing power consumption.
The PGU-420 project was carried out within the timeframe set by Russian Federation Government Directive No. 1334-r dated August 11, 2010 (On Approving the List of Power Generating Facilities to Be Used for Capacity Supply under Capacity Supply Agreements).
Mosenergo is the party to the capacity supply agreement and the operator of PGU-420 turbine unit of CHPP-16. The controlling shareholder of Mosenergo is represented by Gazprom Energoholding, wholly-owned subsidiary of Gazprom.
The commissioning of PGU-420 allows for decreasing the rate of fuel consumption for power generation at CHPP-16 by 15 to 20 per cent, reducing natural gas consumption as well as cutting down operational costs. Moreover, the commissioning of PGU-420 improves the environmental performance of CHPP-16. For instance, the new PGU emits three times less nitrogen oxide than conventional combined cycle gas turbine units.
PGU-420 of CHPP-16 has become the fifth turbine unit using the cutting-edge combined heat and power technology, commissioned at Mosenergo power plants since 2007. All in all, twelve major projects for turbine units construction and upgrade have been implemented since Gazprom’s engagement into the power industry – in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Sochi as well as the Leningrad and Vologda Regions.