Gazprom employees awarded Russian Government Prizes in Science and Technology for eco-friendly technologies


Two author teams including Gazprom Group's employees were awarded with the Russian Federation Prizes in Science and Technology 2012.

The Prizes were given for creating eco–friendly technologies: a new method of oil slimes detoxification and disposal and new comprehensive methods to control gas and gas condensate development.

The new method of detoxification and disposal of hazardous industrial wastes – oil slimes (mixtures of water and oil derivatives, produced as a result of oil recovery, transmission and processing) provides for their conversion to nontoxic pellets. They can be used in hydrocarbon concretes for road surfacing. Unlike oil slime incineration most widespread in Russia, such disposal method is environmentally safe.

It is also economically feasible: the cost of oil slime pelleting is twofold less than that of incineration. A pellet production unit currently operates at the Orenburg Gas Processing Plant; the economic benefit of its application has exceeded RUB 8.5 million. Between 2013 and 2014 it is planned to introduce such units at three more companies of Gazprom Group and to design mobile oil slime disposal units.

The new comprehensive methods to control gas and gas condensate development enable to minimize the environmental impact.

Such methods include the use of technologies and equipment that allow evaluating well conditions avoiding gas popping.

Another method is using a monitoring technology for field development in harsh conditions of the Subarctic. It helps reduce the number of inspection wells, utilize off-road equipment less frequently, and, therefore, minimize the impact on the tundra surface.

The new comprehensive methods also include techniques to control man-made consequences of gas extraction from a reservoir, based on the geodetic data analysis and, therefore, demanding no special research equipment.

The new control methods are already being applied at the most productive Russian gas field – Zapolyarnoye and also at one of the largest Russian fields – Yamburgskoye. The actual economic effect of their application exceeded RUB 2.6 billion.


Gazprom is one of the major Russian natural resource users. The Company strictly follows the Russian legislation and international environmental regulations. In order to ensure performance of these activities, Gazprom allots considerable funds and has highly professional personnel and technologies at its disposal.

2013 is declared the Year of Ecology in Gazprom. As part of this initiative, the Company will hold more than 1,200 events: from adoption of innovative technologies at gas production and transmission facilities for mitigating environmental impacts to educational campaigns and rendering support to specially protected natural areas.

Gazprom allocates considerable funds to the R&D sector. The outstanding projects in priority lines of activity are submitted for the Gazprom Science and Technology Prize competition.

In June 2011 Gazprom approved the Innovative Development Program until 2020. The Program is aimed at constant improvement of Gazprom's technology level to sustain the position of a technological leader in the global energy business.


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