Gazprom and GDF SUEZ approve Sci-Tech Cooperation Program 2012–2014
Chaired by Vlada Rusakova, Member of the Management Committee, Head of the Strategic Development Department of Gazprom and Marc Florette, Research and Innovation Director at GDF SUEZ, a regular meeting dedicated to the sci-tech cooperation between Gazprom and GDF SUEZ took place today in France.
Representatives from the Gazprom Administration as well as heads of the Company's subsidiaries – Gazprom Promgaz, NIIgazeconomika – and deputy heads of Gazprom VNIIGAZ and Gazprom Gazobezopasnost took part in the meeting.
The meeting participants finalized the results of the Sci-Tech Cooperation Program 2010–2011. The meeting reviewed the issues of gas pipelines protection from corrosion, underground gas storage, liquefied natural gas (LNG) process safety, metrological support of gas supplies, centralized control of the gas transmission systems and environmental protection. A focus was placed on successful presentation of the Russian technology made for comprehensive diagnostics of pipes corrosion at the Center – East gas pipeline section running via France.
The meeting noted that there was a keen and mutual interest in continuing a number of technical dialogs being already launched and in carrying out new joint projects. The parties signed the Sci-Tech Cooperation Program 2012–2014.
GDF SUEZ is one of the largest energy companies in Europe. It was established in 2008 as a result of a merger between Gaz de France and SUEZ. GDF SUEZ is focused on power generation also implementing projects in natural gas exploration, production, processing and distribution.
Cooperation in the gas supply sector between Gazprom and Gaz de France started in September 1975. The partnership between Gazprom and GDF SUEZ is progressing in various areas that involve energy saving, transmission facilities reconstruction, gas losses reduction, UGS construction and operation, LNG projects and advanced training of experts. GDF SUEZ also partners Gazprom in the Nord Stream gas pipeline construction.
On December 7, 2007 the companies signed the Sci-Tech Cooperation Agreement. In June 2010 – the Memorandum of Understanding to cooperate in the energy saving and energy efficiency areas.
Considering the current energy and environmental challenges, GDF SUEZ regards meeting the energy demand, safe supply assurance, combating the climate change and implementation of the projects contributing to efficient use of resources as important fields of activity.
GDF SUEZ has a diversified portfolio of orders, providing its customers – private, industrial and municipal consumers – with innovative and efficient solutions also offering a wide range of electricity production techniques ensuring lowest CO2 emission.