Gas of Russia. Best Available Technologies

The Gazprom headquarters will host the International Conference “Gas of Russia. Best Available Technologies” (23–24 April 2012, Moscow) arranged by Gazprom and the industry-specific magazine “Oil and Gas Vertical”.

The event will primarily be aimed at demonstrating the achievements in R&D, innovation and modernization of the gas industry as well as compiling the register of best available domestic and foreign technologies and equipment to enhance their practical application.

The main subjects of the Conference are as follows:

  • Gas era and global trends: Russia's choice.
  • Technological priorities of global and domestic natural gas companies: quality, reliability, price as final effectiveness.
  • Russia's strategy in natural gas facilities modernization. Gazprom 2011–2015 Program: reconstruction and reequipment of gas production, transportation, storage and processing facilities.
  • Geology and geophysics: innovations in exploration.
  • Engineering, construction and development of fields: in format of profitability?
  • Problems and solutions in operation of infield and main pipelines.
  • Best available technologies and continental shelf: how to break into global technology elite?
  • Gas processing and gas chemistry: only APG in priorities?

Registration of participants:

(+7 495) 510-57-24, (+7 499) 131-96-63, Tatyana Adyakova

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