Vlada Rusakova appointed as Head of Prospective Development Department


Vlada Rusakova, Member of the Company’s Management Committee, has been appointed as Head of the Prospective Development Department of Gazprom.

Previously, Vlada Rusakova held the post of Head of the Gazprom Strategic Development Department. On its basis, two brand new Departments – the Prospective Development Department and the Project Operations Department – were set up late in the last year.

The main objective faced by the Prospective Development Department is to work out the long-term strategy for the Company’s further development.


Vlada Rusakova was born in 1953 in Moscow. In 1977 she graduated from Gubkin Moscow Institute of the Petrochemical and Gas Industry majoring in Designing and Maintenance of Oil and Gas Pipelines, Gas Storage Facilities and Oil Tank Farms. Additional education: postgraduate program at Gubkin Moscow Institute of the Petrochemical and Gas Industry.

Vlada Rusakova has been in the gas industry since 1978.

From 1995 to 1997 – Head of the Foreign Project Development Service, Prospective Development Directorate of RAO Gazprom.

From 1997 to 1998 Vlada Rusakova held a post of Deputy Head of the Prospective Development Forecasts Directorate – Head of the Foreign Project Development Division at the Prospective Development Department of RAO Gazprom.

From 1998 to 2003 – Head of the Prospective Development Forecasts Directorate at the Prospective Development, Science and Ecology Department of Gazprom.

In 2003 Vlada Rusakova was appointed as Head of the Prospective Development, Science and Ecology Department of Gazprom.

From 2003 to date – Member of the Management Committee, Head of the Strategic Development Department of Gazprom.


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