Gazprom and pipe producers sign Agreements on Sci-Tech Cooperation


Gazprom has signed Agreements on Sci-Tech Cooperation with the following domestic producers of pipe products: United Metallurgical Company, Severstal, TMK and Chelyabinsk Pipe Rolling Plant.

Gazprom and pipe producers sign Agreements on Sci-Tech Cooperation
Gazprom and pipe producers sign Agreements on Sci-Tech Cooperation

Pipes for Gazprom at finished products storage of Vysota 239 LDP production workshop, Chelyabinsk Pipe Rolling Plant

The Agreements aim to improve innovation efficiency in Gazprom and pipe producing companies.

The documents outline the key directions and the procedure of interaction among the companies in the sci-tech area, set out the fundamental provisions on information protection and intellectual property rights.

Gazprom and pipe producing companies signed Programs for Sci-Tech Cooperation as part of the Agreements. Special attention was paid to development and delivery of projects on the Yamal Peninsula, in Eastern Siberia and the Far East.

The said Programs will also be implemented by Izhora Pipe Plant, Magnitogorsk Iron & Steel Works and Gazprom VNIIGAZ.

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