Igor Tkachenko put in charge of Gazprom Transgaz Krasnodar
Gazprom has elected Igor Tkachenko as Director General of Gazprom Transgaz Krasnodar.
Igor Tkachenko was born in October 1958 in North Ossetia ASSR.
Igor Tkachenko has served in Gazprom for more than 27 years.
Between 1985 and 2000 – Electrician, Power Engineer, Chief Engineer, Head of the Power and Water Supply Service, Head of the Mozdok Line Pipe Operation Center, Kavkaztransgaz (former Sevkavkazprom Production Association).
Between 2001 and 2008 – Deputy Director General for Gas Pipelines and Compressor Stations Operations, Deputy Director General for Production at Gazprom Transgaz Stavropol (former Kavkaztransgaz).
Between 2008 and 2012 – Chief Engineer, First Deputy Director General of Gazprom Transgaz Stavropol.
Sergey Zhvachkin, the former head of Gazprom Transgaz Krasnodar, was relieved of his post due to appointment as the Tomsk Oblast Governor.