Gazprom’s annual General Shareholders Meeting takes decisions on agenda items


The annual General Shareholders Meeting of Gazprom took decisions concerning the following items on the agenda.

The Meeting approved the Company's 2010 Annual Report and Accounting Statements including the Profit and Loss Statement. The decision was also taken on the Company's profit distribution, annual dividends inclusive, based on the fiscal year results.

The Shareholders Meeting approved the dividend amount – RUB 3.85 per share following the Company's 2010 operating results. This is the record high dividend amount in the corporate history. August 29, 2011 was set as the dividend payment deadline. These decisions fully comply with the Board of Directors' recommendations.

The Meeting approved PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit (Closed Joint Stock Company) as Gazprom's Auditor for 2011. The company had been recognized as the winner of the open tender held in compliance with the Federal Law on Audit Activities.

The Meeting approved the changes in the Company's Articles of Association in line with the amendments introduced into the Federal Law on Joint Stock Companies in 2010. In particular, the changes set out the new deadlines for the dividends distribution (within 60 days from the day of the payout decision made by the General Shareholders Meeting) and the obligation undertaken by Gazprom on simultaneous dividends payout to all of the Company's shareholders.

The Shareholders Meeting also decided on the remuneration for the Gazprom Board of Directors and Audit Commission Members, who are neither holding public office in the Russian Federation, nor doing state civil service, in the amount recommended by the Board of Directors.

The Meeting ratified several transactions of corporate interest, which may potentially be executed by Gazprom while carrying on its usual business.

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