Workshop on Yamal fields development held in Salekhard
The city of Salekhard hosted the workshop themed “Crucial issues of hydrocarbon fields development on the Yamal Peninsula and in the adjacent offshore areas” and arranged pursuant to the Sci-Tech Cooperation Agreement between Gazprom and the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug (YaNAO) Administration.
The workshop addressed the implementation of the Agreement and the Sci-Tech Cooperation Program for Gazprom and the YaNAO Administration over 2010 to 2012.
Yamal is a strategically important oil and gas bearing province of Russia. Commercial development of the Peninsula and the adjacent offshore areas has a fundamental significance for ensuring the country’s energy security in the long run.
The workshop participants heard and addressed over 30 speeches. It was emphasized that Gazprom’s operations on Yamal could serve as a vivid example of adopting unique domestic technologies and equipment in large-scale production projects. These include the world’s unparalleled domestically-produced pipes resisting the pressure of 120 Ata, the unique Yuribey River bridge crossing, advanced thermal stabilization technologies for permafrost soils and other innovative solutions. Scientific support of the Yamal megaproject is a prioritized area of the interaction between Gazprom and the YaNAO Administration.
The workshop placed an emphasis on improving the efficiency of gas and gas condensate fields development on the Peninsula, as well as on applying new well construction technologies both onshore and in shallow waters.
Gazprom and the YaNAO Administration signed the 2010–2012 Sci-Tech Cooperation Agreement and the Sci-Tech Cooperation Program in 2009. These comprehensive documents stipulate the research studies to expand the range of technologies aimed at preserving the environment, the unique culture, the ethnic community and the traditional activities of Yamal’s indigenous groups.
Taking part in the “Crucial issues of hydrocarbon fields development on the Yamal Peninsula and in the adjacent offshore areas” workshop were 75 representatives from Gazprom, its subsidiary companies, the YaNAO Administration, as well as from the companies operating in the region – Novatek, Siberian Research and Analytical Center and others.
The Yamal Peninsula is a region of Gazprom’s strategic interests. Commercial development of Yamal fields will help raise local gas production up to 310–360 billion cubic meters per annum by 2030.
In order to ensure the Yamal gas conveyance into the Russian Unified Gas Supply System it is projected to create before 2030 a unique new-generation gas transmission system unparalleled in Russia.
In December 2008 Gazprom commenced practical implementation of the Yamal megaproject. The work was launched to develop the Bovanenkovo field and to construct the Bovanenkovo – Ukhta gas trunkline system.