Board of Directors considers Gazprom auditor candidates assessment issue
The Board of Directors’ meeting adjourned at the Gazprom Headquarters.
The Board of Directors took note of the information on the assessment of Gazprom auditor candidates for performing statutory auditing of the Company’s financial and economic activities.
In pursuance of the February 22, 2007 Order by the Gazprom Management Committee, the Gazprom Tender Commission conducted in February-April an open competitive procedure to select an auditing company to perform a statutory annual audit of Gazprom for 2007. The Tender Commission received applications from 15 auditing companies.
The applications were assessed (on a points allocation basis) and compared based on the following criteria:
the functional specifications and quality of auditor services including the general approaches to achieving audit objectives and the audit methodology, services duration, personnel qualifications and skills data as set out in a technical specifications package;
the price of agreements (contracts) stated in the financial proposition.
In order to win the competitive process an applicant had to collect the largest number of points. The procedure related documents together with the Tender Commission’s protocols (including the procedure results protocol) were posted on the official web site of the Russian Federation ( ).
The competitive process was won by PricewaterhouseCoopers audit.
PricewaterhouseCoopers audit has been auditor of Gazprom since 1995 up-to-date.
Information Directorate, OAO Gazprom