Gazprom Management Committee Awards 2006 corporate bonuses
At today’s regular meeting the Gazprom Management Committee has awarded 2006 corporate bonuses in the science and technology sector for the following research papers:
- The Commercial Hydrocarbon Reserve Preparation Technology on the Example of the Shtokman Gas and Condensate Field. The paper was prepared by VNIIGAZ in conjunction with Gazflot, Sevmorneftegaz and Gazprom (first place award)
This is a new, practically approbated commercial hydrocarbon reserve preparation method targeted at replenishing the reserve base of Gazprom. The method hinges on the 3D seismic survey data interpretation and is being successfully applied in the harsh environmental conditions of the Arctic offshore within the preparation of the Ob Bay located North Kamennomys field reserves. The economic benefit is projected at over RUR 11 bln.
- the Aggregate E&P Control and Management Complex for the Astrakhan Gas and Condensate Field (second place award);
- developing and Introducing a Data Collection, Transmission, Processing and Storage System for the Mostransgaz Technological Facilities;
- creating Domestic Import Substituting Self Propelled Complexes and Technologies for Gas Hydrodynamic Survey of Horizontal Wells, at Underground Gas Storage Facilities Inclusive, with the View of Enhancing Operating Efficiency;
- creating, Manufacturing and Applying the RIUS-KVANT Standardized Equipment Control & Management Complex as an Automation Tool for Imported and Domestic Gas Pumping Units and Compressor Shops under Reconstruction;
- social Aspects of Shift Work Technical Regulation in the Far North Conditions;
- developing and Introducing a Complex of New Import Substituting & Resource Saving Technologies and Multifunctional Coatings Ensuring High Operating Parameters of Gas Equipment;
- developing and Solving a Range of Sci-Tech Aspects in Respect of the North Stavropol UGS Facility Creation and Operation;
- developing and Introducing Comprehensive Air Purifying Propeller Pump-Type Devices for Turbine Drive Gas Pumping Units;
- developing an Automated Fire Protection System for Gas Pumping Units in Compartments with an over 1,000 Cubic Meters Volume with the Use of Highly Sensitive Fire Alarms and a Fire Extinguishing Unit on the Platform of the Isothermal Liquid Carbon Dioxide Module with Reverse Distribution Devices.
The awarded papers were prepared by specialists from Gazprom, VNIIGAZ, Astrakhangazprom, Mostransgaz, Kubangazprom, Severgazprom, Yamburggazdobycha, Volgogradtransgaz, Volgotransgaz, Kavkaztransgaz, Yugtransgaz, Gazflot, Gazobezopasnost, Sevmorneftegaz, Orgenergogaz, SevKavNIPIgaz as well as Gazpromenergodiagnostika, Vega-GAZ, Gazprommedservis, Sogaz, Agromash, Zavod Rotor, Samara-Aviagaz, Artsok, Spetspozhengineering, All-Russia Fire Protection Research Institute with the Russian Emergencies Ministry.
16 research papers were nominated in 2006 for the Gazprom science and technology award. The papers had been prepared by a total of 133 authors from 9 affiliate and 13 third-party companies.
A 25-member Expert Group was created for reviewing and assessing the papers. 10 major criteria were used by experts to evaluate the papers, namely: topicality, originality, scientific and technical level, application area, result utilization scale, economic viability, commercial use potential, protectability, domestic material, technology and equipment utilization degree, presentation level and quality.
Information Directorate, OAO Gazprom