Gazprom places A7 and A8 corporate bonds worth RUR 5 bln each

Today Gazprom has placed the A7 and A8 corporate bonds worth RUR 5 bln each, with the face value of RUR 1,000 and maturity of 3 and 5 years, respectively.

The A7 coupon yield payable semi-annually was set at 6.79% as a result of competitive evaluation at the Moscow Inter-Bank Currency Exchange. Investors placed bids worth RUR 9.6 bln.

The A8 coupon yield payable semi-annually was set at 7% as a result of competitive evaluation at the Moscow Inter-Bank Currency Exchange. Investors placed bids worth RUR 7.4 bln.

The loan underwriters were the Renaissance Capital Investment Group and Rosbank, with the Horizon Investment Company and United Financial Group involved as a co-underwriter and financial consultant, respectively.

The loan will go for financing capital expenditures to maintain current operational level, the new projects to be introduced, the short-term debt servicing and the optimization of debt structure.


Gazprom first placed its A1 RUR 3 bln bond issue in July 1999, with the second placement of the A2 RUR 5 bln bonds taking place in November 2002. On February 3, 2004, Gazprom successfully placed the A3 RUR 10 bln bonds. The A5 RUR 5 bln bonds were placed in October 2004, with the A4 and A6, RUR 5 bln each, bonds in February and August 2005, respectively.

On September 28, 2006, the Federal Financial Market Service registered the Gazprom A7, A8 and A9, RUR 5 bln each, bond issues with the maturity of 3, 5 and 7 years, respectively.

Information Directorate, OAO Gazprom

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