Gazprom delegation participates in XXIII World Gas Conference in Amsterdam

The Gazprom delegation led by Alexey Miller, Chairman of the Management Committee, took part in the XXIII World Gas Conference (WGC) on June 5–9, 2006.

44 reports will be presented by the delegates of Gazprom at the XXIII WGC.

During the congress Mr. Alexey Miller hold negotiations with the representatives of international oil and gas companies, including E.ON-Ruhrgas, Royal Dutch Shell, Chevron, Gasunie, Gaz de France, Petronas, BG Group plc, Sonatrach, Electricite de France. The parties discussed new perspectives for cooperation in the oil and gas sector.

At the same time, OAO Gazprom is a participant of the World Gas Exhibition 2006 at the RAI Exhibition and Congress Centre in Amsterdam. Latest achievements of our company are displayed at the Gazprom chalet there, including information on construction of the North European Gas Pipeline, on the Shtockman offshore gas field, on the prospects for Russian LNG production and supply, on the program for establishment of an integrated gas production, transmission and supply system in the East Siberia and the Far East, etc.


The International Gas Union is a non-governmental organization, which is a major center of the gas industry for analysis and synthesis of world-wide experience. The IGU was founded in 1931.

The objective of the IGU is to promote a continuous exchange of the experience, to search for new efficient methods of operation as well as to distribute advanced technology ideas and original know-how. The IGU amalgamates now the national gas associations and companies from 67 countries of the world.

Russia has been a member of the IGU since 1957. OAO Gazprom is a Charter member of the IGU representing Russia, while NP Russian Gas Society and the Union of Independent Gas Producers are Associated members. The World Gas Congress is the highest forum of the IGU, which takes place every three years. The XXII WGC was held in Tokyo in June, 2003. Gazprom tabled a proposal to convene the XXV WGC in Moscow in 2012.

Representatives of Gazprom work in five Working Committees and four Programme Committees of the IGU. The Gas Storage Committee is led by Sergey Khan, Head of UGS Department, OAO Gazprom. The committee was set up in 2000. Its main tasks include assessment of perspectives and tendencies for the UGS facilities development.

Several sessions of the IGU working committees for gas storage, transmission and distribution were held in Moscow in April, 2005.

Information Directorate, OAO Gazprom

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