Vyngayakha and Yety-Pur fields reach design capacity

The town of Noyabrsk (Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Area – YaNAA) has hosted today the inauguration of a fully ramped up complex of the Vyngayakha and Yety-Pur gas fields.

Attending the ceremony were Gazprom’s delegation led by Vasily Podyuk, Member of Gazprom’s Management Committee and Head of Gazprom’s Gas, Condensate and Oil Production Department, representatives of the Urals Federal District and YaNAA’s authorities, top managers and specialists of Noyabrskgazdobycha and other Gazprom’s subsidiaries as well as representatives of design and contracting companies.

“Bringing the integrated complex of the Vyngayakha and Yety-Pur fields to its design capacity is another contribution of Gazprom into resolving the strategic task of further boosting gas production. This is a unique facility meeting the latest industrial and environmental requirements. From both fields Gazprom will extract a total of 20 bcm of gas per annum”, – said Vasily Podyuk.


Discovered in 1968 and 1971, the Vyngayakha and Yety-Pur fields were brought on stream in October 2003 and September 2004, respectively.

Vyngayakha and Yety-Pur’s integrated complex is unique, since the two gas fields separated by an over 40 km distance share a gas treatment unit and a booster station. The rational deployment of facilities has helped substantially reduce capital investment in the complex.

Vyngayakha and Yety-Pur’s production facilities are equipped with state-of-the-art high-tech devices largely manufactured in the Russian towns and cities of Kurgan, Tyumen, Podolsk, Samara and Voronezh. The gas production, treatment and injection to the gas main process is managed and controlled through innovative automation and telemechanics technologies.

Surgutstroygaz served as general contractor for the integrated complex.

The complex is operated by Noyabrskgazdobycha, a Gazprom’s wholly owned subsidiary.

Information Directorate, OAO Gazprom

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