Gazprom's Management Committee considered the company being ready for Shareholdes Annual General Meeting

Gazprom’s Management Committee regular meeting was held today. The Management Committee considered questions concerning preparation and hosting the Company’s Shareholders Annual General Meeting.

The Management Committee has approved the proposal to conduct Gazprom’s shareholders annual General meeting on June 30, 2006 at 10 a.m. in the company’s headquarters and to start registration of the meeting participants on June 28 from 10 a.m. and on June 30 from 9 a.m.

The Management Committee has approved a proposal on:

  • The information message to be published in newspaper “Trud” and/or “Tribuna” not later than May 30, 2006;
  • The form and text of the voting bulletins on the meeting agenda;
  • The Presidium staff of the meeting;
  • Remunerations for Management Committee and Inspection Commission members who are not state officials;
  • List of information materials to be presented after approval by the Board of Directors to Gazprom’s shareholders. The documents will be offered to shareholders at Gazprom’s Headquarters, regional depositories and specialized registrar SP-Draga 20 days prior the meeting. Depositories and SP-Draga addresses will be published together with the information message of the meeting.

The given proposals will be forwarded to the Board of Directors for consideration.

The Management Committee has decided to introduce projects of the following documents for consideration by the Board of Directors:

  • Shareholders meeting agenda;
  • Gazprom’s annual report for 2005;
  • Gazprom’s net profit as well as head company’s annual book-keeping reports for 2005 prepared according to the Russian legislation.

The Management Committee has also confirmed the meeting’s Drafting Commission.

The Management Committee has submitted proposals to the Board of Directors to pay dividends according to results of the Company’s activity in 2005. Decision on payment of dividends, their amount and form of payment will be taken by the shareholders’ meeting at the advice of the Board of Directors.

The Management Committee has approved and submitted for consideration by the company’s Board of Directors the project of changes to Gazprom’s Charter due to Federal law “On joint-stock companies” amendments coming into force on July 1, 2006.

At present about 500 thousand Russian and Foreign shareholders are in the company’s list. Taking into account these circumstances the shareholders are advised to realize their right to participate at the meeting through their representatives by written power of attorney or to forward to the company the completed voting bulletin.

Information Directorate, OAO Gazprom

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