Gazprom's representative to chair UNECE Gas Centre in 2006

Between 17 and 19 January, Geneva hosted an annual meeting of the Executive Board of the UNECE Gas Centre, presided by Jacques Deyirmendjian, Vice President of Gaz de France and attended by Stanislav Tsygankov, Head of Gazprom’s Foreign Relations Department.

The Executive Board resolved to convene the 10th Annual Conference of the Gas Centre in April 2005 in the town of Novy Urengoy, to be joined by top managers of leading European gas production and transmission companies. The Conference will be focused on gas production challenges in Eastern Siberia.

This year, the Gas Centre is presenting an analytic report on the structure of gas firms and markets of the UNECE member countries.

The Board meeting also resolved that, starting 2006, the UNECE Gas Centre would be chaired by a Gazprom representative, with Stanislav Tsygankov unanimously elected in said capacity.


Founded in 1994 by the UNECE Working Group for Gas and co-promoted by Gazprom, the UNECE Gas Centre emerged as a technical cooperation programme “Promotion and Development of a Market-Based Gas Industry in Economies in Transition” developed by 23 leading European gas production, transmission and marketing firms, including E.ON Ruhrgas, Wintershall, Gaz de France, Statoil, ENI, Gasunie, Shell, Transco Grid, Botas, Sonatrach and others.

Information Directorate, OAO Gazprom

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