The Zapolyarnoye field gas been brought to the designed capacity of 100 bcm
Today, the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Area (YNAA) hosts the celebrations dedicated to the Zapolyarnoye oil and gas condensate field’s attainment of the designed capacity as well as to Yamburggazdobycha’s 20-year anniversary.
Gazprom’s official delegation headed by Alexey Miller, Chairman of the Management Committee, attended the event.
“Bringing the Zapolyarnoye field on the plateau level is another very important step in developing Russia’s gas industry. Now, we will annually produce 100 bcm of natural gas from this field. This is approximately one-sixth of Russia’s total gas production and one-third of Russian gas deliveries to domestic consumers.
Reaching this goal has become possible owning to the high competence and concerted work of many companies – both Gazprom and its subcontractors – involved in all links of the production chain, from drilling to installation, commissioning and operation,” Alexey Miller is quoted as saying in his foreword message.
The Zapolyarnoye field was discovered in 1965, 220 km of the town of Novy Urengoy (Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Area). First gas was produced from the field on September 30, 2001. By now, 3 complex gas treatment units (CGTU) has been brought to the designed capacity at the Zapolyarnoye oil and gas condensate field (OGCF):
- UKPG-1S (annual capacity 35 bcm);
- UKPG-2S (annual capacity 32.5 bcm);
- UKPG-3S (annual capacity 32.5 bcm).
This year, over 88 bcm of natural gas will be produced from the field. From the field commissioning date and to September 2004 inclusive, roughly 180 bcm of natural gas were produced from Zapolyarnoye. For the time being, 391 wells daily delivering over 285 mln m3 of natural gas are operational at the field.
In 2008, 2 another CGTUs with the total throughput of 15 bcm of gas per year are planned to be brought on stream to produce gas from the Valanginian horizons.
Zapolyarnoye is expected to deliver some 2.5 mln t of gas condensate.
Yamburggazdobycha was established on 1 October 1984 to develop the Yamburgskoye gas condensate field.
At present, the Yamburggazdobycha-controlled hydrocarbon reserves are the largest ones developed by the Gazprom Group company. Yamburggazdobycha holds licenses on developing the Yamburgskoye, Zapolyarnoye and Tazovskoye fields with initial reserves totaling over 11 tcm of natural gas, about 260 mln t of condensate and 265 mln t of oil.
Yamburggazdobycha is the biggest gas producer in the Gazprom Group company. The company broadly implements advanced technologies for producing and treating gas and gas condensate under harsh conditions of the Extreme North. Yamburggazdobycha produces over 35% of Russian gas and 43% of natural gas produced the Gazprom Group of companies. Yamburggazdobycha produced 220.9 bcm of natural gas in 2003 and is set to produce 234 bcm of natural gas in 2004. Over the last two decades, Yamburggazdobycha has produced 3.08 tcm of natural gas.
Information Directorate, OAO Gazprom