On the meeting of the dispatching bodies of the Yamal – Europe gas pipeline

An annual meeting of representatives of the dispatching services responsible for control over the gas flows through the Yamal – Europe gas pipeline was hold on October 19–21 in Smolensk.

Representatives of Gazprom, Gazexport, Lentransgaz, Beltransgaz, EuRoPol (Russian-Polish company), PGNiG (Poland), Wingas GmbH (Germany), Viex GmbH (Germany) took part in the meeting.

Gazprom’s delegation was headed by Vladimir Podmarkov, the First Deputy Head of the Central Dispatch and Production Department. Addressing the audience, Vladimir Podmarkov talked on successful operations of the United Gas Supply System (UGSS) in 2004.

“Coordinated performance of the UGSS facilities allowed Gazprom to secure uninterrupted gas supply in full volume through the Yamal – Europe gas pipeline, which gains still more significance for the Russian gas exports. During the five years of the Yamal – Europe pipeline operation the western consumers received over 88 bcm of natural gas”, – noted Vladimir Podmarkov.

Participating companies’ participants delivered reports on the performance of the Yamal – Europe pipeline in 2004 and presented the analysis of the gas transmission facilities operation including the analysis of the general state of equipment and the pipeline condition.

The participants of the meeting discussed the issues of interaction in execution of maintenance works and commissioning new capacities, arrangement of gas deliveries and the progress in export contacts realization.

Special attention was paid to the topic of informational dispatcher cooperation between the parties.

Discussions took place within the frames of the meeting related to the program of scientific and technical cooperation between Gazprom and Wintershall AG.

Participants of the meeting signed a protocol wording the key principles of the dispatching services operational cooperation in gas supply for the period of 2004–2005.


The Yamal – Europe gas pipeline was commissioned in November 6, 1999. The annual increment in gas transmission through the pipeline amounts to 2–3 bcm of natural gas. In 2003, 21.5 bcm of natural gas were delivered to exports through the pipeline. 17.5 bcm have been delivered during 9 months of 2004. The Yamal – Europe gas pipeline serves the needs of the customers in Poland, Germany and other European countries.

Information Directorate, OAO Gazprom

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