First meeting of Gazprom and China National Petroleum Corporation’s Joint Coordinating Committee held
On 12 November, Sanya City (China) hosted the 1st meeting of the Joint Coordinating Committee (JCC) of Gazprom and the China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC).
Co-presided by Alexander Ananenkov, Deputy Chairman of Gazprom’s Management Committee and Zhou Jiping, CNPC’s Senior Vice President, the meeting was attended by the JCC members including Konstantin Chuichenko, Gazprom’s Management Committee Member and Head of Gazprom’s Legal Department and Stanislav Tsygankov, Head of Gazprom’s Foreign Relations Department, on the Russian side and Zhang Xin, Director General of CNPC International Cooperation Department and Li Inchan, Director of CNPC International Affairs Division, on the Chinese side.
The JCC meeting was intended to promote accords fixed in an Agreement on Strategic Cooperation signed between Gazprom and CNPC.
The parties agreed on matters related to the JCC organizational structure and functioning, reached an accord to initiate continuous consultations within joint working groups being set up. Promising projects on Russian natural gas and its processing products deliveries to China were in the main focus of the meeting. The parties deliberated on gas supplies to China from both: the existing Russia’s United Gas Transmission System and fields located in the Far East and Eastern Siberia.
At the end of the meeting the parties signed a respective Protocol.
Gazprom and CNPC signed the Agreement on Strategic Cooperation on 14 October 2004 in Beijing within the official visit of the Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin to the People’s Republic of China (PRC).
The Agreement prescribes scrupulous discussion of matters related to Gazprom’s natural gas deliveries to PRC.
Simultaneously, the Document stipulates interaction in projects on gas and oil exploration, production, transmission and marketing, China’s gas transmission and distribution network development, construction and operation of underground gas storage facilties as well as implementation of other joint projects, in third countries inclusive.
To successfully implement the Agreement, the parties decided to set up a Joint Coordinating Committee.
Being the largest 100%-state run oil and gas business in the country, the China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) is one of the leading integrated oil and gas companies of the world.
Incorporated in 1998 on the platform of the Oil Industry Ministry of PRC, CNPC is comprised today of companies running business in oil and gas exploration, development, production, transmission, storage as well as in oil refining, petrochemistry and research. CNPC is the largest crude oil producer and supplier and retains a dominating position in oil and gas production, processing and marketing over China. CNPC (its subsidiaries inclusive) delivers domestically 79% of overall oil supplied; controls 95% and 40% of China’s natural gas and oil refining markets, respectively, and is involved in 27 international projects.
Information Directorate, OAO Gazprom