Competitive Tender to audit Gazprom's 2004 financial accounts ended

The Competitive Tender to audit Gazprom's 2004 financial accounts has come to an end. The Tender Commission considered proposals submitted by PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit as best meeting the requirements brought forward.

19 auditing companies submitted applications to take part in the Contest that was held in 2 phases. Technical and financial proposals were made by 17 participants, including the largest Russian auditing companies, such as FBC, Rosexpertiza, BDO Yunikon, as well as the companies with foreign shareholdings: KPMG, Delloite&Touche CIS, PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit, etc.

The Tender outcomes will be considered at the next Gazprom's Board of Directors' meeting. The Board of Directors will propose an auditor to be approved at the Company's annual General Shareholders' Meeting to be held on 25 May 2004.

The Tender was held in accordance with the Regulations governing appointment of Gazprom's annual auditor, which were approved by a Resolution of the Company's Board of Directors in March, this year.

Information Directorate, OAO Gazprom

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