Vostokgazprom celebrated 5-year anniversary of commercial gas production

The town of Tomsk hosted today celebrations held on the occasion of Vostokgazprom's 5-year anniversary since the company had started producing commercial gas. The celebrations were attended by Sergey Zhvachkin, Vostokgazprom's President, Viktor Kress, Governor of the Tomsk Region, heads of the Tomsk Region's local authorities and Gazprom's delegation.

Alexey Miller, Gazprom's Management Committee Chairman, sent his greetings to Vostokgazprom's team.

In particular, A. Miller's congratulatory speech runs that “within this short period Vostokgazprom has gained unique experience in developing small- and medium-sized gas condensate fields. The results you achieved indicate that the development of these fields is very important for strengthening the Russian economy, intensifying gas consumption in the region and improving people's living standards. Vostokgazprom's team is young, energetic and full of new ideas. I'am sure that you'll successfully meet all the challenges in further exploiting natural resources of the Siberian region.”


The Vostokgazprom – a Gazprom subsidiary company, was incorporated back in 1999 for coordinating Gazprom's activities in eastern Russia. Gazprom's share in Vostokgazprom's charter capital accounts for 86.5%. Vostokgazprom's major businesses are hydrocarbon exploration, production and processing as well as gas transmission and distribution systems development.

Vostokgazprom is developing the Myldzhinskoye and Severo-Vasyuganskoye gas condensate fields (GCFs). The Myldzhinskoye GCF was brought into operation on 20 May 1999 and the Severo-Vasyuganskoye GCF, on 26 July 2002. At present, Vostokgazprom annually produces over 3.5 bcm of gas from these fields and has extracted a total of over 15 bcm since the fields were brought into operation.

Gas extracted from the Myldzhinskoye and Severo-Vasyuganskoye GCFs is delivered to the Tomsk, Novosibirsk and Omsk regions as well as to the Altai and Kuzbass areas.Vostokgazprom's core gas customers are the manufacturing and power sectors (65% and 25%, respectively, of the total gas distributed). The agricultural and industrial as well as residential sectors consume the remaining 10%.

Information Directorate, OAO Gazprom

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