Board od Directors reviewed matters related to holding annual General Shareholders’ Meeting
An ordinary meeting of Gazprom’s Board of Directors is being held at the Company’s principle office.
The Board of Directors ratified a proposal to hold Gazprom’s annual General Shareholders’ Meeting on 25 June 2004, starting 10am local time, at the Company’s principle office.
The Board of Directors also approved the Shareholders’ Meeting agenda.
At the same time, the Board of Directors resolved to submit the following draft documents for the Shareholders’ Meeting consideration:
- Gazprom’s 2003 Annual Report;
- profit allocation based on the financial year results.
The Board of Directors recommended the Shareholders’ Meeting to ratify proposals on paying out RUR 0.69/share in dividends based on the corporate 2003 operating results.
At the same time, the Board of Directors preliminarily approved the parent company’s annual financial accounts for 2003, filed in accordance with Russian legislation.
In addition, the meeting ratified proposals on the Board of Directors and Auditing Commission members’ remuneration.
The Board of Directors resolved to submit the candidacy of PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit for the Shareholders’ Meeting approval as Gazprom’s auditor for 2004.
The Board of Directors ratified the appointment of its members as the Shareholders’ Meeting Presidium. Dmitry Medvedev, Gazprom’s Board of Directors’ Chairman, was named as Chairman of the Shareholders’ Meeting.
Ultimately, the Board of Directors also considered other issues falling under its authority in regards to preparing for and holding the Shareholders’ Meeting.
Information Directorate, OAO Gazprom