Gazprom's representatives office in China to promote corporate interests in Asia – Pacific

Alexey Miller, Gazprom's Management Committee Chairman signed an executive order empowering Gazprom's Representative Office in China to promote corporate interests in the Asia-Pacific.

Given the positive operating experience accumulated by Gazprom's Chinese Branch, the move made is, thus, a crucial step towards a considerable expansion of the company's presence in one of the most dynamically developing regions of the world.

Broader authority of the Branch will foster Russian natural gas deliveries to the Asia-Pacific.

Gazprom's Representative Office in China also has to tackle the following tasks:

  • participate in investment projects to be implemented in the oil and gas industry of the Asia-Pacific;
  • take part in joint projects on production and marketing of petrochemical and gas processing output;
  • get involved in devising comprehensive energy projects to be implemented in the Asia-Pacific;
  • supply and repair gas motor equipment, build and operate gas fuelling and power generation stations.

By solidifying its standing in the Asia-Pacific, Gazprom keeps on implementing the State Program on comprehensive development of hydrocarbon fields in Eastern Siberia and the Far East. Gas will be delivered to the Asia-Pacific through an integrated export channel.

Gazexport, a Gazprom subsidiary is getting involved in the talks on the terms and conditions (including gas supply amount, timing and price formula) of Russian gas deliveries to the Asia-Pacific from the Far Eastern and East Siberian fields.

Information Directorate, OAO Gazprom

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