Gazprom, Spetsneftegaz and Transportadora da Gas Del Sur. S. A. sign protocol of intentions
Bogdan Budzulyak, Gazprom’s Management Committee Member and Head of the Company’s Gas Transportation, Underground Storage and Utilization Department, Viktor Kanaikin, General Director of the Spetsneftegaz Science & Production Association and Jorge Atilio Bonetto, Vice President of the Argentian Transportadora de Gas del Sur S.A. (TGS) company signed the Protocol of Intentions fixing prospects of further joint technical cooperation.
Under the Document signed, Gazprom, TGS and Spetsneftegaz will share experience in tackling problems embracing the aged service life of gas pipelines, detection and elimination of stress corrosion and other pipe defects, operation of compressor stations as well as performance of the International Gas Union’s Gas Transmission Committee.
Earlier, TGS’ experts explored in depth the technological process of the MFL (Magnetic Flux Leakage) and TFI (Transverse Field Inspection) magnetic pipeline inspection vehicles production as well as visited Spetsneftegaz’s Data Processing Center. TGS’ delegation also made a trip to the Belousovskaya compressor station (Kaluga region), Uraltransgaz, a Gazprom subsidiary as well as Spetneftegaz and its production base in the city of Yekaterinburg.
The parties underscored a possibility of jointly inspecting the TGS-owned gas pipelines.
The Protocol runs that the Spetsneftegaz-manufactured pipeline inspection vehicles are in line with TGS’ intelligent pigging requirements. The TFI vehicles are in compliance with the stress-corrosion and longtitudinal fractures detection standards.
The Transportadora de Gas del Sur S.A. (TGS) company is a leading gas transmission business in Argentina, operating the largest gas pipeline system in Argentina and Latin America (over 7,400 km of gas pipelines daily transporting 62.5 million cubic meters of natural gas). TGS was formed in 1992, as a result of privatization of the national Argentinian gas transmission company Gas del Estaco. TGS transmits some 60% of the total gas consumed domestically through its gas pipeline system linking major gas fields in southern and western Argentina with local gas distribution stations and these of Buenos Aires and Greater Buenos Aires. TGS holds one of the leading positions in natural gas processing and liquefied gas production and marketing.TGS’ main business lines are gas processing and transmission as well as gas pipeline construction, operation and repair.
The Spetsneftegaz Science & Production Association was incorporated in 1989. The Company specializes in designing pipeline inspection vehicles.
Starting 1994, Spetsneftegaz has been regularly inspecting Gazprom’s gas transmission system and in 2004, examined over 15 thousand km of the Company’s gas pipelines.
Spetsneftegaz deals with oil and gas main research, repair and maintenance and intelligent pigging.
Information Directorate, OAO Gazprom