The results of the meeting of the Coordinating Committee for Cooperation between Gazprom and Siemens

On February 9, Gazprom’s Headquarters hosted the meeting of the Coordinating Committee for Cooperation between Gazprom and Siemens AG, chaired by Alexander Shaikhutdinov, Deputy Head of Gazprom’s Department of Gas Transportation, Underground Storage and Utilization, and Agnesa Frantik, President of Siemens’ Russian branch.

The parties approved the Program on Gazprom and Siemens’ joint activities for 2004. The Program adjusts cooperation between the companies in the following directions:

  • technological process and telemechanics automated control systems: upgrading technological process automated control systems at Gazprom’s main fields, testing the MicroSAM industrial chromatograph at one of the Company’s gas-measuring stations;
  • gas appliance production: extending a range of equipment by selling Russian-made household appliances on the Russian market; using Russian-made spare parts in the household gas appliances manufacturing;
  • compressor stations: the Program on joint production and integrated supplies of the Baltica 25 gas-pumping unit, intended for upgrading and constructing Gazprom’s compressor stations;
  • power engineering: implementing joint gas and energy projects;
  • telecommunication networks and information technology: upgrading the Gazsvyaz (a 100% Gazprom’s subsidiary) Moscow Digital Communications Zone; analyzing and elaborating measures to modernize and maintain equipment, Siemens supplies Gazprom with the Program on Gazprom and Siemens’ joint activities for 2004 aims to coordinate main directions of cooperation between companies that joined their efforts to promote and implement sci-tech projects and innovations oriented on optimizing Russia’s United Gas Supply System as well as on transferring production to the Russian Federation.


The German-based company Siemens was established in 1847. Siemens is an internationally renowned producer of electronics and electrical engineering devices that are used in information technology and communications, automation and control systems, power engineering, transport, medicine, lighting engineering and other spheres.

The company started operating on the Russian market back in 1853. At present, Siemens has its affiliates in Russia’s 30 regions and is one of the leading suppliers of products, services and advanced technologies intended to modernize Russia’s key economic industries. Siemens’ turnover in Russia (with implication for its subsidiaries’ share) exceeded Euro 1 billion in 2003.

Gazprom and Siemens have been cooperating since 1993. The main projects were implemented in the sphere of telecommunications and technological process automation. In particular, the companies created the Gazsvyaz Moscow Digital Communications Zone and Data Transmission Network, the Caspiygazprom Automated Telephone System Network, and the Gaztelecom Communications System. The companies also automated a comprehensive gas treatment unit at the Yamburgskoye field.

For the time being, Gazprom and Siemens are involved in projects on upgrading automation systems at the gas condensate production and treatment facilities of the Yamburgskoye field. Priority directions of cooperation between the companies are automated control and telemechanics systems of the UGSS facilities, telecommunication networks and information technology.

Gazprom and Siemens are also involved in developing advanced technologies for Gazprom’s needs, used in equipment manufacturing in Russia.

Information Directorate, OAO Gazprom

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