Prague hosts presenation of the Golden map of Russia. Masterpieces of the Russian Art Arts Album
Prague’s Rudolfinum Concert Hall yesterday hosted the Golden Map of Russia. Masterpieces of the Russian Art Album Presentation and donation to Czechia’s museums, educational institutions and libraries. The Album was first published by the State Tretyakov Picture Gallery in partnership with the Fatherland’s Treasures museum-supporting Foundation and with Gazprom’s financial backing. TransGas funded the Album’s Czech language edition.
Attending the ceremony were Sergey Ushakov, Deputy Chairman of Gazprom’s Management Committee, Stanislav Lepka, TransGas’ Director for Strategy and Communication, Alexander Bespalov, Head of Gazprom’s Information Policy Department, Eva Jelinkova, TransGas’ Director for Corporate Communications, Marina Elzesser, Deputy Director General of the State Tretyakov Picture Gallery as well as public officials and representatives of Czechia’s arts schools, museums and other cultural institutions.
“The Golden Map of Russia. Masterpieces of the Russian Art Album serves as a unique example of the most full collection of paintings and sculptures from treasure houses of the State Tretyakov Picture Gallery and leading Russia’s regional arts museums. Broad audience and Czech art appreciators, in particular, will have a chance to discover a new and little known layer of the Russian fine arts and to get a better idea of the Russian masterpieces”, – pointed out Sergey Ushakov.
“We’re very glad that our commercial success can be reflected in culture and arts as well as in our cooperation with the largest counterparts, such as Gazprom. Thus, we are making a contribution into establishing an integrated cultural space. Published in Czech with our company’s backing, the Golden Map of Russia. Masterpieces of the Russian Art Album is a gift to a hundred of Czechia’s largest arts galleries, museums, schools and libraries”, – underscored Stanislav Lepka.
The Golden Map of Russia. Masterpieces of the Russian Art Arts Album is part of the big Golden Map of Russia Exhibitional and Publishing Project by the Tretyakov Picture Gallery, awarded with the RF National Prize in 2003. Said Book is unparalleled among domestic and foreign arts editions and is unique for its collection of some 400 best works of the Russian fine arts and sculpture accumulated by the State Tretyakov Picture Gallery and leading arts museums from 25 Russian regions. A range of images saw their first publication in the Album.
The Album was first presented in Moscow and at the Frankfurt Book Fair, being a big success and receiving positive appraisal by Russian and foreign press agencies.
In addition, the Album was showcased in Leipzig, Vienna and Berlin with the participation of VerbundnetzGas AG, OMV and Wintershall AG.
The Prague Presentation was arranged by Gazprom in conjunction with TransGas.
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Transgas press service