Gazprom, Urengoygazprom, Wintershall AG and Achimgaz Ink set of fundament documents

Today, at Gazprom’s Headquarters, Gazprom, Urengoygazprom, Wintershall AG and Achimgaz signed a set of fundamental documents to jointly develop Play A1 of Urengoy’s Achimov deposits.

The ceremony was intended to promote a heads of agreement between Gazprom, Urengoygazprom and Wintershall AG and an agreement on strategic cooperation between Gazprom and BASF AG.

By signing the documents, Russia and Germany confirmed the finalization of the 1st project stage relating to scrupulous engineering works and endorsed the initiation of the 2nd stage covering the project trial operation.

The project will be implemented by Achimgaz.


The Achimgaz 50/50 joint venture was founded in July 2003 by Urengoygazprom and Wintershall AG for the purpose of developing the 1st pilot play of the Achimov deposits at the Urengoyskoye gas condensate field.

Some 200 bcm of gas and 40 mln t of condensate are planned to be produced over the entire development period (43 years), with roughly 8.3 bcm of gas and 2.8 mln t of condensate to be annually extracted during continuous production.

The Achimov formations lie as deep as 3,150–3,800 m and have a great deal more complex geologic structure than the Cenomanian and Valanginian deposits being currently under development. Wintershall counts on state-of-the-art technologies, equipment and vast experience of drilling super-depth sub-horizontal wells in the complex geologic environment, which is crucial for stage-by-stage development of Urengoy’s Achimov deposits divided into 6 pilot plays.

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Wintershall press service

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