Board of Directors considered measures to improve interaction with investors and shareholders

A Board of Directors’ meeting is being held at Gazprom’s Headquarters.

The Board of Directors took into account information on the measures to be taken for improving relationships with investors and shareholders and commissioned the Management Committee to keep on working to raise Gazprom’s capitalization and enhance the Company’s investment attractiveness.


In 2003 Gazprom implemented the following measures to promote relationships with its investors and shareholders:

  • received and processed over a thousand written and telephone inquiries made by the Company’s shareholders;
  • arranged the Company’s executive leadership’s regular trips to Russia’s regions with the view of meeting shareholders;
  • held 3 road shows in Europe, Asia and the USA;
  • ensured an absolutely new and higher level of information disclosure while placing 144A bonds abroad;
  • regularly arranges the executive leadership’s meetings with analysts, investors and shareholders as well as organizes business trips to production facilities;
  • adjusted the system of regular telephone conferences dedicated to publications of the Company’s financial accounts filed under the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS);
  • shifted over to publishing financial accounts filed under the IFRS and the Report on the top management’s analysis and assessment of the Company’s financial standing on a quarterly basis;
  • considerably updated Gazprom’s corporate Web-site as well as launched and promptly updates its English version.

Gazprom’s regional shareholders are serviced by Gazprombank’s unique and extended depositary network.

Within the next phase aimed to improve relationships with investors and shareholders, Gazprom intends to optimize the intra-corporate information flows to ensure operating promptness and to better coordinate the data released by the Company.

The aforementioned steps pursue the objective to maximally raise Gazprom’s market capitalization and solidify the Company’s standing on the global financial market.

Information Directorate, OAO Gazprom

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