State comission decided to advise Gazcom to bring into operation Yamal-KA space complex

On 29 April, the town of Korolev hosted a Meeting of the State Commission on test flights of space complexes developed for social, economic, scientific and commercial purposes. The Meeting decided to advise the Gascom company to bring into operation the Yamal-KA (Yamal-200) Space Complex.

The Meeting was attended by the Commission President and Deputy Director General of the Federal Space Agency, Georgy Polishchuk, as well as by the Commission members, including Yuri Semyonov, President of the Energia Rocket and Space Corporation, Nikolai Sevastyanov, Gascom’s Director General and Alexey Lisin, Head of Gazprom’s Department of Automation, Information Technology, Telecommunications and Metrology.

The Meeting examined the test flight results of the Yamal-KA Space Complex comprising two Yamal-200 space crafts, a rocket and space complex and the Yamal ground control facility. The Commission members examined the readiness of the Space Complex to be brought into operation under the technical task set and decided to consider the Yamal-KA test-flight results as positive.


The first Yamal-100 satellite (being part of the Gazprom-owned Yamal Satellite Communications System) was launched in 1999. The satellite coverage zone extends to Russia, the CIS countries and a range of East European and Asian countries.

Two Yamal-200 satellites were launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrom on 24 November 2003. The satellites enlarged the capacity of the Yamal Satellite Communications System by 7.6fold as well as considerably improved its quality and expanded its coverage zone extending to European, Asian and North African countries.

While a quarter of the Yamal-200 capacity is planned to be used by Gazprom, the rest are to be utilized by Russian public, departmental and commercial institutions as well as by large foreign telecommunications companies.

The Yamal satellites are produced within Russia’s Federal Space Program.

The Yamal-200 Project is implemented by Gascom, which was incorporated in 1992. The company’s shareholders are Gazprom (80%), the S.P. Korolev Energia Rocket and Space Corporation (16%) and Gazprombank (4%).

Gascom is engaged in developing and creating space telecommunications and television networks as well as in rendering telecommunications services based on the Yamal Satellite Communications System.

Information Directorate, OAO Gazprom

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