Gazprom has discovered a new gas field

The gas field is located in the waters of Ob bay 20 km to northwest from the settlement of Yamburg. On September 21, 2003 the first drilled well has given the gas flow from the Senomanian deposit (depth of occurrence about 1070 м) with the flow rate near 400 thousand m3 per day. The gas resources of the field are estimated presumably to come to 50 bcm.

Self-lifting floating rig (SPBU) Amazone was used for drilling operations. To protect environment Gazflot has applied modern technologies providing the necessary level of an ecological safety.


Gazflot is the 100% Gazprom’s subsidiary specializing in geological exploration, designing and fleet building. The company has been founded in 1994.

Being Gazprom’s operator on the continental shelf, Gazflot is engaged in geological explorations on the Arctic shelf of Russia on the territory of two polar districts of the Russian Federation: Nenets and Yamal-Nenets in the longitude from Murmansk to Yamburg.

Since 1994 through 2002 on the Arctic shelf Gazflot has explored three oil fields (in the Pechora Sea: the Varandey-sea, the Medynskoye –sea and the Dolginskoye) and three fields of natural gas (in Ob and Tazov bays: the Severo-Kamennomysskoye, the Kamennomysskoye –sea and the Chuguryakhinskoye).

According to estimation total recoverable oil reserves of these fields are more than 300 million tons and gas reserves amount to about 1 trillion m3.

All operations, accomplished by Gazflot, are carried out according to the Declaration on guaranteeing ecological safety of geological explorations.

Gazflot’s ecological policy envisions unconditional observance of laws and norms of the Russian Federation, international Agreements in the field of the environment protection.

In the prospect Gazflot foresees geological explorations in the Pechora, Barents, Azov, Black and Okhotsk Seas. The company is also going to take part in tender for implementation of operations of other customers, including foreign ones.

The jack-up floating drilling rig Amazone is designed by the firm GUSTO Engineering. It is constructed in Norway at the shipyard Aker Stord Verft.

Gazflot has leased the unit with subsequent buy-out. It is designed for drilling oil and gas wells to the depth of 3 thousand meters at water depths of 50–55 meters.

Information Directorate, OAO Gazprom

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