Gazprom’s viability study on the Central Asia – Center investment program

Gazprom approved guidelines for a viability study of the Central Asia – Center (CAC) gas transmission system development. The objectives of the study include optimization of technological approach to increasing capacities of gas transmission systems of Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan up to 90 bcm per year and a pipeline section’s debottlenecking on the territory of Russia from the Alexandrov-Guy compressor station to the Ukrainian boarder.

The Viability study should include two alternatives:

  • rehabilitation and debottlenecking of the existing CAC system to reach economically viable capacity and construction of new gas transmission facilities via the Beyneu compressor station, Kazakhstan, to supply additional gas volume;
  • rehabilitation and debottlenecking of CAC to reach the required capacity through construction of new gas transmission facilities in parallel with the existing system.

Gas flow schemes across the Kazahstan and Russia on a quarter-by-quarter from the Makat compressor station in a direction to the Northern Caucuses and from the Alexandrov-Gay compressor station to the Ukrainian border (using two schemes of gas supply – via the Frolov and Petrovsk compressor stations) taking into account underground storage facilities capacity available should be detailed.

By-option gas transmission cost with different funding term alternative should be estimated using methodical approaches to investment projects efficiency assessment.

DOAO Giprogaztsentr is responsible for elaboration of general requirements to the engineering project viability study.


DOAO Giprogaztsentr is Gazprom’s subsidiary featured by vast experience in research and engineering in construction of large-sized gas trunk lines and gas pipeline branches, compressor stations, gas distribution and gas filling stations.

Giprogaztsentr designed more than 1 000 km of gas pipelines of various size and functionality and over 1,500 industrial facilities. The company has been engaged in the design and engineering of such major gas pipelines like Perm – Kazan – Gorky, Urengoy – Pomary – Uzhgorod, Yamburg – Elets and others.

Information Directorate, OAO Gazprom

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