Announcement of the annual General Shareholders’ Meeting of PJSC GAZPROM

PJSC GAZPROM Board of Directors (PJSC GAZPROM location: Moscow, Russian Federation) hereby notifies of the annual General Shareholders' Meeting of PJSC GAZPROM (hereinafter the Meeting) scheduled for June 25, 2021.

The Meeting is held in absentia.

Holders of the Company's ordinary shares are entitled to vote on all agenda issues of the Meeting.

The persons entitled to participate in the Meeting are identified (fixed) as of the close of business on May 31, 2021.

The closing date for acceptance of voting ballots is June 25, 2021.

The shareholders whose ballots are received before the closing date for their acceptance shall be deemed participated in the General Shareholders' Meeting held in absentia.

The ballots may be sent by mail at: PJSC GAZPROM, 16 Nametkin Street, Moscow, GSP-7, 117997, or handed in personally at: 16 Nametkin Street, Moscow. Additionally, one can fill in an electronic ballot form placed on the website at in the Internet information and telecommunication network and available from June 04, 2021, to 6 p.m. on June 24, 2021.

Taking into account the Bank of Russia clarifications (Letter No. 28-4-1/2816 of May 27, 2019), the Meeting quorum shall be determined and the voting shall be summed up based on the votes represented by the voting ballots and the voting instructions received before 6 p.m. on June 24, 2021.

The documents evidencing powers of legal successors and representatives of the persons included into the list of persons entitled to participate in the Meeting (their copies witnessed (certified) in the manner provided for by Russian law) are to be attached to the voting ballots sent by these persons.

The electronic voting procedure is available for familiarization at, AO DRAGA Registrar website in the Internet information and telecommunication network.

In case of any questions as to the shareholders' exercise of their voting rights at the Meeting, the procedure for voting on the Agenda, please, telephone the Counting Board (495) 719 40 15.

Agenda of the annual General Shareholders' Meeting of PJSC GAZPROM

  1. Approval of the Company's annual report.
  2. Approval of the Company's annual accounts (financial statements).
  3. Approval of the Company's 2020 profit allocation.
  4. On the amount of dividends, the timing and form of their payment based on the 2020 performance, and on establishing the date, as of which the persons entitled to dividends are determined.
  5. Approval of the Company's auditor.
  6. On payment of the remuneration for serving on the board of directors to the board of directors members, other than civil servants, in the amount established in the Company's internal documents.
  7. On payment of the remuneration for serving on the audit commission to the audit commission members, other than civil servants, in the amount established in the Company's internal documents.
  8. On amendments to PJSC GAZPROM Articles of Association.
  9. On amendments to the Regulation on PJSC GAZPROM Board of Directors.
  10. Election of members of the Company's board of directors.
  11. Election of members of the Company's audit commission.

The information (materials) to be provided to the persons entitled to participate in the Meeting in preparation for the Meeting will be available from June 04, 2021, in the premises of PJSC GAZPROM at: 16 Nametkin Street, Building 2, Room 331, Moscow (telephone: (812) 609 76 57), and of the Registrar, AO DRAGA, branches of AO DRAGA, and Gazprombank (Joint Stock Company) offices at the addresses listed below, as well as on the Company's website at in the Internet information and telecommunication network.

Addresses of the Registrar, AO DRAGA, branches of AO DRAGA, and Gazprombank (Joint Stock Company) offices





117420, Moscow, Novocheremushkinskaya str., 71/32

Phone: (499) 550-88-18


Volgograd branch of AO DRAGA

400001, Volgograd, Klinskaya str., 32a

Phone/fax: (844–2) 99-05-35, 99-05-36


Ivanovo branch of AO DRAGA

153012, Ivanovo, Sovetskaya str., 22A, office 306

Phone/fax: (493–2) 34-51-31


Kazan branch of AO DRAGA

420021, Republic of Tatarstan (Tatarstan), Kazan, Narimanova str., 66

Phone/fax: (843) 292-54-79


Korolev branch of AO DRAGA

141070, Moscow Region, Korolev, Tsiolkovskogo str., 4A

Phone/fax: (499) 550-88-18


Saint Petersburg branch of AO DRAGA

197110, Saint Petersburg, Bol'shaya Zelenina str., 8, bld. 2, letter A, office 42H

Phone/fax: (812) 775-00-81, 775-00-82


Saratov branch of AO DRAGA

410017, Saratov, Shelkovichnaya str., 11/15

Phone/fax: (845–2) 39-22-70, 39-22-72


Subsidiary Office of GPB BANK (AO) No. 099/1021, Moscow city

115419, Moscow, 2nd Verkhny Mikhailovsky proezd, 9, bld. 11

Unified information system of GPB BANK (AO): 8-800-100-07-01


Operational Office No. 028/2013 of GPB BANK (AO) Branch Tsentralny, Moscow Region

156000, Kostroma, Sovetskaya str., 8-A

Unified information system of GPB BANK (AO): 8-800-100-07-01


Operational Office No. 028/2015 of GPB BANK (AO) Branch Tsentralny, Moscow Region

150000, Yaroslavl, Chaikovskogo str., 30

Unified information system of GPB BANK (AO): 8-800-100-07-01


Operational Office No. 028/2010 of GPB BANK (AO) Branch Tsentralny, Moscow Region

Tver, Andreya Dementieva str., 21

Unified information system of GPB BANK (AO): 8-800-100-07-01


Operational Office No. 028/2011 of GPB BANK (AO) Branch Tsentralny, Moscow Region

153000, Ivanovo, Varentsovoi str., 11

Unified information system of GPB BANK (AO): 8-800-100-07-01


Operational Office No. 028/2016 of GPB BANK (AO) Branch Tsentralny, Moscow Region

600016, Vladimir, Bolshaya Nizhegorodskaya str., 111

Unified information system of GPB BANK (AO): 8-800-100-07-01


GPB BANK (AO) Branch Privolzhsky

603000, Nizhny Novgorod, Maksima Gorkogo str., 65-Б

Unified information system of GPB BANK (AO): 8-800-100-07-01


Operational Office No. 001/2012 of GPB BANK (AO) Branch Privolzhsky

428000, Chuvash Republic, Cheboksary, Rechnikov str., 5, office 3

Unified information system of GPB BANK (AO): 8-800-100-07-01


Operational Office No. 001/2007 of GPB BANK (AO) Branch Privolzhsky

430005, Republic of Mordovia, Saransk, Kommunisticheskaya str., 15

Unified information system of GPB BANK (AO): 8-800-100-07-01


Operational Office No. 001/2014 of GPB BANK (AO) Branch Privolzhsky

424006, Republic of Mariy-El, Ioshkar Ola, Uspenskaya str., 17

Unified information system of GPB BANK (AO): 8-800-100-07-01


Operational Office No. 001/2008 of GPB BANK (AO) Branch Privolzhsky

610000, Kirov, Moskovskaya str., 31

Unified information system of GPB BANK (AO): 8-800-100-07-01


Subsidiary Office No. 037/1002 of GPB BANK (AO) Branch Povolzhsky

443010, Samara, Lva Tolstogo str., 30a

Unified information system of GPB BANK (AO): 8-800-100-07-01


Subsidiary Office No. 037/1003 of GPB BANK (AO) Branch Povolzhsky

445051, Samara Region, Togliatti, Marshala Zhukova str., 8

Unified information system of GPB BANK (AO): 8-800-100-07-01


Operational Office No. 037/2004 of GPB BANK (AO) Branch Povolzhsky

432017, Ulyanovsk, Engelsa str., 50

Unified information system of GPB BANK (AO): 8-800-100-07-01


Operational Office No. 037/2012 of GPB BANK (AO) Branch Povolzhsky

460021, Orenburg, Gagarina prospekt, 7/1

Unified information system of GPB BANK (AO): 8-800-100-07-01


Operational Office No. 037/2020 of GPB BANK (AO) Branch Povolzhsky

410012, Saratov, Volskaya str., 91

Unified information system of GPB BANK (AO): 8-800-100-07-01


Operational Office No. 037/2021 of GPB BANK (AO) Branch Povolzhsky

440000, Penza, Leninsky District, Slavy str., 4

Unified information system of GPB BANK (AO): 8-800-100-07-01


Subsidiary Office No. 015/1017 of GPB BANK (AO) Branch Severo-Zapadny

Saint Petersburg, Sinopskaya Naberezhnaya str., 22, letter A

Unified information system of GPB BANK (AO): 8-800-100-07-01


Operational Office No. 015/2021 of GPB BANK (AO) Branch Severo-Zapadny

163000, Arkhangelsk, Troitsky prospekt, 95, bld. 1

Unified information system of GPB BANK (AO): 8-800-100-07-01


Operational Office No. 015/2016 of GPB BANK (AO) Branch Severo-Zapadny

160001, Vologda, Lenina str., 11

Unified information system of GPB BANK (AO): 8-800-100-07-01


Operational Office No. 015/2023 of GPB BANK (AO) Branch Severo-Zapadny

169313, Ukhta, Lenina prospekt, 33

Unified information system of GPB BANK (AO): 8-800-100-07-01


Subsidiary Office No. 038/1001 of GPB BANK (AO) Branch in Kaliningrad

236022, Kaliningrad, Mira pr., 44

Unified information system of GPB BANK (AO): 8-800-100-07-01


Operational Office No. 049/2008 of GPB BANK (AO) Branch Tsentralno-Chernozemny

308012, Belgorod, Kostyukova str., 36-Г

Unified information system of GPB BANK (AO): 8-800-100-07-01


Operational Office No. 049/2015 of GPB BANK (AO) Branch Tsentralno-Chernozemny

305000, Kursk, Lenina str., 31

Unified information system of GPB BANK (AO): 8-800-100-07-01


Operational Office No. 049/2006 of GPB BANK (AO) Branch Tsentralno-Chernozemny

398002, Lipetsk, Gagarina str., 49A

Unified information system of GPB BANK (AO): 8-800-100-07-01


GPB BANK (AO) Branch Tsentralno-Chernozemny

394018, Voronezh, Kirova str., 11

Unified information system of GPB BANK (AO): 8-800-100-07-01


GPB BANK (AO) Branch Yuzhny

350033, Krasnodar, Dmitriyevskaya Damba str., 11

Unified information system of GPB BANK (AO): 8-800-100-07-01


Operational Office No. 007/2011 of GPB BANK (AO) Branch Yuzhny

400005, Volgograd, V.I. Lenina prospekt, 56a

Unified information system of GPB BANK (AO): 8-800-100-07-01


Operational Office No. 007/2010 of GPB BANK (AO) Branch Yuzhny

414024, Astrakhan, Naberezhnaya Privolzhskogo zatona str., 5, letter A

Unified information system of GPB BANK (AO): 8-800-100-07-01


Operational Office No. 007/2012 of GPB BANK (AO) Branch Yuzhny

344006, Rostov-on-Don, Voroshilovsky prospekt, 20/17

Unified information system of GPB BANK (AO): 8-800-100-07-01


GPB BANK (AO) Branch in Tomsk

634009, Tomsk, 1905 goda pereulok, 7

Unified information system of GPB BANK (AO): 8-800-100-07-01


GPB BANK (AO) Branch in Kemerovo

650000, Kemerovo, Sovetsky pr., 32, office 7

Unified information system of GPB BANK (AO): 8-800-100-07-01


Subsidiary Office No. 031/1001 of GPB BANK (AO) Branch in Kemerovo

Novokuznetsk, Togliatti str., 33a, office 2

Unified information system of GPB BANK (AO): 8-800-100-07-01


Subsidiary Office No. 034/1030 of GPB BANK (AO) Branch Vostochno-Sibirsky

660041, Krasnoyarsk, Akademika Kirenskogo str., 87-Б

Unified information system of GPB BANK (AO): 8-800-100-07-01


Operational Office No. 034/2022 of GPB BANK (AO) Branch Vostochno-Sibirsky

664011, Irkutsk, Sverdlova str., 41

Unified information system of GPB BANK (AO): 8-800-100-07-01


Operational Office No. 042/2009 of GPB BANK (AO) Branch Dalnevostochny

680000, Khabarovsk Territory, Khabarovsk, Turgeneva str., 46

Unified information system of GPB BANK (AO): 8-800-100-07-01


GPB BANK (AO) Branch Dalnevostochny

690090, Primorski Territory, Vladivostok, Svetlanskaya str., 109a

Unified information system of GPB BANK (AO): 8-800-100-07-01


GPB BANK (AO) Branch in Ufa

450022, Republic of Bashkortostan, Ufa, Mendeleeva str., 138

Unified information system of GPB BANK (AO): 8-800-100-07-01


Subsidiary Office No. 032/1013 of GPB BANK (AO) Branch Zapadno-Uralsky

Perm, Lunacharskogo str., 73

Unified information system of GPB BANK (AO): 8-800-100-07-01


Subsidiary Office No. 032/1012 of GPB BANK (AO) Branch Zapadno-Uralsky

617763, Perm Area, Chaikovsky, Mira str., 20

Unified information system of GPB BANK (AO): 8-800-100-07-01


Operational Office No. 032/2011 of GPB BANK (AO) Branch Zapadno-Uralsky

426034, Udmurt Republic, Izhevsk, Udmurtskaya str., 247-Г

Unified information system of GPB BANK (AO): 8-800-100-07-01


Operational Office No. 029/2024 of GPB BANK (AO) Branch Zapadno-Sibirsky

644099, Omsk, Tarskaya str., 13 Б

Unified information system of GPB BANK (AO): 8-800-100-07-01


Subsidiary Office No. 029/1009 of GPB BANK (AO) Branch ZapadnoSibirsky

630099, Novosibirsk, Oktyabrskaya magistral str., 3

Unified information system of GPB BANK (AO): 8-800-100-07-01


Operational Office No. 029/2010 of GPB BANK (AO) Branch Zapadno-Sibirsky

656049, Barnaul, Partizanskaya str., 92

Unified information system of GPB BANK (AO): 8-800-100-07-01


GPB BANK (AO) Branch Uralsky

620075, Yekaterinburg, Lunacharskogo str., 134-B

Unified information system of GPB BANK (AO): 8-800-100-07-01


Subsidiary Office No. 026/1001 of GPB BANK (AO) Branch Uralsky

622001, Sverdlovsk Region, Nizhny Tagil, Krasnoarmeyskaya str., 9

Unified information system of GPB BANK (AO): 8-800-100-07-01


Subsidiary Office No. 026/1003 of GPB BANK (AO) Branch Uralsky

624200, Sverdlovsk Region, Lesnoy, Kommunistichesky prospekt, 37

Unified information system of GPB BANK (AO): 8-800-100-07-01


Subsidiary Office No. 026/1021 of GPB BANK (AO) Branch Uralsky

624222, Sverdlovsk Region, Nizhnyaya Tura, 40 let Oktyabrya str., 44

Unified information system of GPB BANK (AO): 8-800-100-07-01


Subsidiary Office No. 026/1016 of GPB BANK (AO) Branch Uralsky

624992, Sverdlovsk Region, Serov, Lenina str., 149-A

Unified information system of GPB BANK (AO): 8-800-100-07-01


Operational Office No. 026/2012 of GPB BANK (AO) Branch Uralsky

640002, Kurgan, Gogolya str., 109

Unified information system of GPB BANK (AO): 8-800-100-07-01


Subsidiary Office No. 026/1040 of GPB BANK (AO) Branch Uralsky

624440, Sverdlovsk Region, Krasnoturyinsk, Oktyabrskaya str., 28

Unified information system of GPB BANK (AO): 8-800-100-07-01


Operational Office No. 026/2036 of GPB BANK (AO) Branch Uralsky

625026, Tyumen Region, Tyumen, Respubliki str., 143a

Unified information system of GPB BANK (AO): 8-800-100-07-01


Operational Office No. 026/2091 of GPB BANK (AO) Branch Uralsky

627756, Tyumen Region, Ishim, Karl Marx str., 1A/6

Phone: (34551) 7-59-41, 7-59-42 (for customers)


Operational Office No. 026/2093 of GPB BANK (AO) Branch Uralsky

626150, Tyumen Region, Tobolsk, District 4, 29a/1

Unified information system of GPB BANK (AO): 8-800-100-07-01


Operational Office No. 026/2030 of GPB BANK (AO) Branch Uralsky

454091, Chelyabinsk, Krasnoarmeyskaya str., 116

Unified information system of GPB BANK (AO): 8-800-100-07-01


GPB BANK (AO) Branch in Novy Urengoy

629300, Tyumen Region, YaNAO, Novy Urengoy, 26 syezda KPSS str., 4

Unified information system of GPB BANK (AO): 8-800-100-07-01


Subsidiary Office No. 002/1007 of GPB BANK (AO) Branch in Novy Urengoy

629008, Tyumen Region, YaNAO, Salekhard, Gubkina str., 1

Unified information system of GPB BANK (AO): 8-800-100-07-01


Subsidiary Office No. 002/1018 of GPB BANK (AO) Branch in Novy Urengoy

629736, Tyumen Region, YaNAO, Nadym, Komsomolskaya str., 5-A

Unified information system of GPB BANK (AO): 8-800-100-07-01


GPB BANK (AO) Branch in Surgut

628417, Tyumen Region, KhMAO-Yugra, Surgut, Svobody bulvar, 12

Unified information system of GPB BANK (AO): 8-800-100-07-01


Subsidiary Office No. 048/1008 of GPB BANK (AO) Branch in Surgut

628609, Tyumen Region, KhMAO-Yugra, Nizhnevartovsk, Omskaya str., 1

Unified information system of GPB BANK (AO): 8-800-100-07-01


Subsidiary Office No. 048/1007 of GPB BANK (AO) Branch in Surgut

628310, Tyumen Region, KhMAO-Yugra, Nefteyugansk, District 12, bld. 29, room 3

Unified information system of GPB BANK (AO): 8-800-100-07-01


Subsidiary Office No. 048/1006 of GPB BANK (AO) Branch in Surgut

629830, Tyumen Region, YaNAO, Gubkinsky, District 12, bld. 45

Unified information system of GPB BANK (AO): 8-800-100-07-01


Subsidiary Office No. 048/1006 of GPB BANK (AO) Branch in Surgut

629800, Tyumen Region, YaNAO, Noyabrsk, Lenina str., 49

Unified information system of GPB BANK (AO): 8-800-100-07-01


Subsidiary Office No. 048/1010 of GPB BANK (AO) Branch in Surgut

628260, Tyumen Region, KhMAO-Yugra, Yugorsk, Lenina str., 31

Unified information system of GPB BANK (AO): 8-800-100-07-01


Operational Office No. 048/2014 of GPB BANK (AO) Branch in Surgut

624570, Sverdlovsk Region, Ivdel, Trosheva str., 38

Unified information system of GPB BANK (AO): 8-800-100-07-01


Subsidiary Office No. 048/1016 of GPB BANK (AO) Branch in Surgut

628012, Tyumen Region, Khanty-Mansiisk, Mira str., 52

Unified information system of GPB BANK (AO): 8-800-100-07-01


Subsidiary Office No. 048/1028 of GPB BANK (AO) Branch in Surgut

628162, Tyumen Region, KhMAO-Yugra, Beloyarsky, Molodosti str., 7-A

Unified information system of GPB BANK (AO): 8-800-100-07-01


Subsidiary Office No. 048/1024 of GPB BANK (AO) Branch in Surgut

628181, Tyumen Region, KhMAO-Yugra, Nyagan, District 2, 44, apt. 1

Unified information system of GPB BANK (AO): 8-800-100-07-01


GPB BANK (AO) Branch Srednerussky

300026, Tula, Lenina prospekt, 106

Unified information system of GPB BANK (AO): 8-800-100-07-01


Operational Office No. 004/2013 of GPB BANK (AO) Branch Srednerussky

241050, Bryansk, Partizan square, 4

Unified information system of GPB BANK (AO): 8-800-100-07-01


Operational Office No. 004/2011 of GPB BANK (AO) Branch Srednerussky

248030, Kaluga, Ryleeva str., 4

Unified information system of GPB BANK (AO): 8-800-100-07-01


Operational Office No. 004/2010 of GPB BANK (AO) Branch Srednerussky

390000, Ryazan, Kudryavtseva str., 56

Unified information system of GPB BANK (AO): 8-800-100-07-01


Operational Office No. 004/2008 of GPB BANK (AO) Branch Srednerussky

214000, Smolensk, Konenkova str., 2/12

Unified information system of GPB BANK (AO): 8-800-100-07-01


Subsidiary Office No. 047/1012 of GPB BANK (AO) Branch in Kazan

420111, Kazan, Levo-Bulachnaya str., 32

Unified information system of GPB BANK (AO): 8-800-100-07-01


Subsidiary Office No. 024/1004 of GPB BANK (AO) Branch Severo-Kavkazsky

355000, Stavropol, Dzerzhinskogo str., 114

Unified information system of GPB BANK (AO): 8-800-100-07-01


Operational Office No. 024/2007 of GPB BANK (AO) Branch Severo-Kavkazsky

367012, Republic of Dagestan, Makhachkala, Yermoshkina str., 24

Unified information system of GPB BANK (AO): 8-800-100-07-01

PJSC GAZPROM Board of Directors