Information on the holding of an annual General Shareholders’ Meeting of JSC “GAZPROM”

The Board of Directors of Gazprom Open Joint Stock Company (registered address of JSC “Gazprom”: 16, Nametkin Street, Moscow, Russian Federation) notifies of the annual General Shareholders’ Meeting of JSC “Gazprom” (hereinafter the “Meeting”) scheduled for June 26, 2015. The meeting will be held at the registered address of JSC «Gazprom», in the conference hall of Building 2.

The meeting is scheduled to begin at 10:00 a.m. The meeting is held as an assembly (joint presence of shareholders to discuss agenda items and to make decisions on issues put to vote).

The list of persons entitled to attend the Meeting is drafted based on the data from JSC «Gazprom» Shareholders’ Register as of the close of business on May 7, 2015.

The Meeting participants shall be registered by the Counting Board on June 24, from 10.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m., and on June 26, from 9.00 a.m. to the time when the last agenda item of the Meeting, for discussion of which the quorum is available, is finalized, at the following address: 16, Nametkin Street, Building 2, Conference Hall, Moscow, Russian Federation.

Counting Board phone number: +7 495 719-40-15.

To get registered, a Meeting participant shall present:

  • Shareholder (individual): an ID;
  • Shareholder’s (individual’s) representative: a Power of Attorney issued by the shareholder and the representative’s ID;
  • Representative of the shareholder (legal entity): a Power of Attorney issued by the legal entity and the representative’s ID;
  • Head of the legal entity being the Company’s shareholder: the document evidencing his/her powers to attend the Meeting and his/her ID;
  • Legal successors of the persons included into the list of persons entitled to participate in the Meeting shall also present the documents evidencing the powers of the legal successors.

As of May 7, 2015, the number of JSC «Gazprom» shareholders is several hundreds of thousands of holders of shares, residents in the Russian Federation and abroad, which complicates the personal attendance of the Meeting by all shareholders.

In view of the above, it is recommended to shareholders to exercise their right to attend the Meeting through their representatives by proxy or by sending filled-in voting ballots to the Company. The ballots can be sent by mail at: JSC «Gazprom», 16, Nametkin Street, Moscow, GSP-7, 117997, or handed in personally at: 16, Nametkin Street, Moscow. The ballots received at JSC «Gazprom» before 6:00 p.m. on June 23, 2015, will be counted in determining the Meeting quorum and in summing up the voting results.

Agenda of the annual General Shareholders’ Meeting of JSC «Gazprom»

  1. Approval of the Company’s Annual Report.
  2. Approval of the annual Financial Statements, in particular, the Company’s Financial Performance Report.
  3. Approval of the Company’s profit allocation in 2014.
  4. On the amount of dividends, the timing and form of their payment based on the 2014 performance, and on establishing the date, as of which the persons entitled to receive dividends are determined.
  5. Approval of the Company’s Auditor.
  6. On payment of the remuneration for serving on the Board of Directors (the Supervisory Board) to the Board of Directors members, other than civil servants, in the amount established in the Company’s internal documents.
  7. On payment of the remuneration for serving on the Internal Audit Commission to the Internal Audit Commission members, other than civil servants, in the amount established in the Company’s internal documents.
  8. On approval of a new version of JSC «Gazprom» Articles of Association.
  9. On approval of the related party transactions that can be entered into by JSC «Gazprom» in the future, in the course of ordinary business operations.
  10. Election of members of the Company’s Board of Directors (Supervisory Board).
  11. Election of members of the Company’s Internal Audit Commission (Internal Auditor).

The information (materials) provided in preparation for the Meeting is/are available from May 19, 2015, in the premise of JSC «Gazprom» at: 16, Nametkin Street, Room 329 CD, Building 2, Moscow (telephone: +7 495 719-26-01); and from the Registrar, SR-DRAGa CJSC, the branches of SR-DRAGa CJSC and the regional depositaries of Gazprombank (Joint Stock Company) at the addresses below.

Addresses of the Registrar, SR-DRAGa CJSC, the branches of SR-DRAGa CJSC, and the list of Gazprombank (Joint Stock Company) regional depositaries

s/r #

Corporate name



71/32, Novocheremushkinskaya Street, Moscow 117420

Tel.: (+7 495) 719 39 29.


SR-DRAGa CJSC Volgograd Branch


32a, Klinskaya Street, Volgograd 400001

Telefax: (+7 8442) 99 05 35, 99 05 36.


SR DRAGa CJSC Ivanovo Branch


22A, Sovetskaya Street, Office 306, Ivanovo 153012

Telefax: (+7 4932) 34 51 31.


SR DRAGa CJSC Kazan Branch


66, Narimanov Street, Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan, 420021

Telefax: (+7 843) 292 54 79.


SR DRAGa CJSC Korolev Branch


4A, Tsiolkovsky Street, Korolev, Moscow Region 141070

Telefax: (+7 495) 513 88 54.


SR DRAGa CJSC Samara Branch


35, Academician Pavlov Street, Samara 443011

Telefax: (+7 846) 276 63 10, 276 63 11.


SR DRAGa CJSC St. Petersburg Branch

(DRAGa-St. Petersburg)

4, Izmailovsky Pr., Letter A, Premise 3, St. Petersburg 190005

Telefax: (+7 812) 676 18 13.


SR DRAGa CJSC Saratov Branch


11/15, Shelkovichnaya Street, Saratov 410017

Telefax: (+7 8452) 39 22 70, 39 22 72.


GPB Bank (JSC) Depositary Center

Bldg. 11, 9, 2nd Verkhniy Mikhailovsky Proezd, Moscow 115419

GPB Bank (JSC) Help Desk: (495) 913 74 74,

Tel. (495) 913 74 01 (answering machine), fax (495) 719 18 62.


GPB Bank (JSC) Central Branch, Moscow Region

1–1a, Proletarsky Prospect, Schelkovo, Moscow Region 141100

Tel. (496) 255 65 55 ext. 4096, (328) 4096


GPB Bank (JSC) Central Branch, Operational Office, Moscow Region

8A, Sovetskaya Street, Kostroma 156000

Telefax (4942) 490 983


GPB Bank (JSC) Central Branch, Operational Office, Moscow Region

15, Pushkin Street, Yaroslavl 150000

(4852) 590 000 ext. 5503


GPB Bank (JSC) Central Branch, Operational Office, Moscow Region

21, Volodarsky Street, Tver 170000

(4822) 633 044 ext. 5004, (4822) 633 044 ext. 5006


GPB Bank (JSC) Astrakhan Branch

5, Naberezhnaya Privolzhskogo Zatona Street, Letter A, Astrakhan 414024

Tel. (8512) 45 10 33, (8512) 45 10 32


GPB (JSC) Bank Belgorod Branch

36G, Kostiukov Street, Belgorod 308012

Telefax (4722) 58 81 59


GPB (JSC) Bank Belgorod Branch, Subsidiary Office

1A, Solnechny estate, Stary Oskol, Belgorod Region 309502

Tel. (4712) 32 43 30


GPB (JSC) Bank Belgorod Branch, Operational Office

100, Krasnaya Armiya Street, Kursk 305035

Tel. (4712) 54 92 00


GPB (JSC) Bank Volgograd Branch

34A, Kozlovskaya Street, Volgograd 400074

Tel. (8442) 97 53 54, 93 16 67


GPB (JSC) Bank Voronezh Branch

11, Kirov Street, Voronezh 394018

Tel. (473) 200 81 67


GPB (JSC) Bank Voronezh Branch, Operational Office

24/1, Kosmonavtov Street, Lipetsk 398016

Tel. (4742) 505 537, (4742) 505 513


GPB (JSC) Bank Yekaterinburg Branch

7, Uritsky Street, Yekaterinburg 620014

Telefax (343) 269 72 19


GPB (JSC) Bank Yekaterinburg Branch, Subsidiary Office

9, Krasnoarmeiskaya Street, Nizhny Tagil, Sverdlovsk Region 622018

Telefax: (3435) 42 31 00, (3435) 42 31 04


GPB (JSC) Bank Yekaterinburg Branch, Subsidiary Office

37, Kommunistichesky Prospect, Lesnoy, Sverdlovsk Region 624200

Telefax: (34342) 4 62 94


GPB (JSC) Bank Yekaterinburg Branch, Subsidiary Office

15, Vainer Street, Pervouralsk, Sverdlovsk Region 623102

Tel. (3439) 24 84 01


GPB (JSC) Bank Yekaterinburg Branch, Subsidiary Office

132A, Lenin Street, Novouralsk, Sverdlovsk Region 624130

Telefax: (34370) 6 18 16


GPB (JSC) Bank Yekaterinburg Branch, Operational Office

44, 40 Let Oktiabrya Street, Nizhnyaya Tura, Sverdlovsk Region 624222

Tel. (34342) 2 33 82


GPB (JSC) Bank Yekaterinburg Branch, Subsidiary Office

149A, Lenin Street, Serov, Sverdlovsk Region 624992

Tel. (34385) 7 19 02


GPB (JSC) Bank Yekaterinburg Branch, Subsidiary Office

109, Gogol Street, Kurgan 640002

Tel. (3522) 29 09 07


GPB (JSC) Bank Yekaterinburg Branch, Operational Office

64, Efremov Street, Shadrinsk, Kurgan Region 641870

Tel. (35253) 3 20 93


GPB (JSC) Bank Yekaterinburg Branch, Subsidiary Office

25B, Kommunalnaya Street, Krasnoturiinsk, Sverdlovsk Region 624460

Tel. (34384) 6 95 83


GPB (JSC) Bank Yekaterinburg Branch, Operational Office

116, Krasnoarmeiskaya Street, Chelyabinsk 454091

Tel. (351) 268 94 72


GPB (JSC) Bank Irkutsk Branch

41, Sverdlov Street, Irkutsk 664011

Tel. (3952) 28 32 26


GPB (JSC) Bank Kazan Branch

32, Levo Bulachnaya Street, Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan 420111

Tel. (843) 221 73 37


GPB (JSC) Bank Kaliningrad Branch

19/21, Mira Prospect, Kaliningrad 236000

Tel. (4012) 342 852


GPB (JSC) Bank Kemerovo Branch

4, 50 Let Oktyabrya Street, Office 5, Kemerovo 650099

Tel. (3842) 346 202


GPB (JSC) Bank Krasnodar Branch

11, Dmitrievskaya Damba Street, Krasnodar 350033

Tel. (861) 210 48 07


GPB (JSC) Bank Krasnoyarsk Branch

87B, Academician Kirensky Street, Krasnoyarsk 660041

Tel. (391) 274 58 27


GPB (JSC) Bank Nizhny Novgorod Branch

3, Piskunov Street, Bldg. 5, Nizhny Novgorod 603005

Tel. (831) 421 82 08*3


GPB (JSC) Bank Nizhny Novgorod Branch, Operational Office

15, Kommunisticheskaya Street, Saransk, Republic of Mordovia 430005

Tel. (8342) 77 73 33


GPB (JSC) Bank Nizhny Novgorod Branch, Subsidiary Office

11, Arkhangelskaya Sloboda, Ioshkar Ola, Republic of Mari El 424000

Tel. (8362) 69 16 83


GPB (JSC) Bank Nizhny Novgorod Branch, Operational Office

31, Moskovskaya Street, Kirov 610000

Tel. (8332) 38 25 95, (8332) 35 85 50


GPB (JSC) Bank Nizhny Novgorod Branch, Subsidiary Office

208, Lenin Prospect, Arzamas, Nizhny Novgorod Region 607220

Tel. (83147) 2 19 77


GPB (JSC) Bank Nizhny Novgorod Branch, Operational Office

5, Rechnikov Square, Premise No. 3, Cheboxary 428000

Tel. (8352) 30 30 16


GPB (JSC) Bank Nizhny Novgorod Branch, Subsidiary Office

79, Tsiolkovsky Prospect, Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod Region 606033

Tel. (8313) 39 81 45


GPB (JSC) Bank Novy Urengoy Branch

4, 26 S’ezd KPSS Street, Novy Urengoy, Yamal Nenets Autonomous Area, Tyumen Region 629300

Tel. (3494) 93 54 67, fax (3494) 93 54 80


GPB (JSC) Bank Novy Urengoy Branch, Subsidiary Office

5A, Komsomolskaya Street, Nadym, Yamal Nenets Autonomous Area, Tyumen Region 629736

Tel. (3499) 53 54 15


GPB (JSC) Bank Novy Urengoy Branch, Subsidiary Office

22, Oktiabrskaya Street, Korotchaevo settlement, Novy Urengoy, Yamal Nenets Autonomous Area 629320

Telefax (3494) 22 25 16


GPB (JSC) Bank Novy Urengoy Branch, Subsidiary Office

1, Hostel No. 44, Yamburg settlement, Nadym District, Yamal Nenets Autonomous Area 626718

Telefax (3494) 96 94 49


GPB (JSC) Bank Novy Urengoy Branch, Subsidiary Office

Unit B, Module 1, Novozapoliarny settlement, Tazovsky District, Yamal Nenets Autonomous Area, Tyumen Region 629300

Tel. (3494) 96 42 21, fax(3494) 96 26 49


GPB (JSC) Bank Novy Urengoy Branch, Subsidiary Office

36A, Estate 4, Urengoy settlement, Purovsky District, Yamal Nenets Autonomous Area, Tyumen Region 629860

Tel. (34934) 9 32 44


GPB (JSC) Bank Novy Urengoy Branch, Subsidiary Office

25, Pobedy Street, Tarco Sale, Yamal Nenets Autonomous Area, Tyumen Region 629850

Telefax (34997) 2 66 85


GPB (JSC) Bank Novy Urengoy Branch, Subsidiary Office

17, Mira Street, Pangody settlement, Nadym District, Yamal Nenets Autonomous Area, Tyumen Region 629757

Tel. (3499) 56 27 37


GPB (JSC) Bank Novy Urengoy Branch, Subsidiary Office

UKSir building, Lesnoy settlement, Nadym, Yamal Nenets Autonomous Area, Tyumen Region 629733

Telefax (3499) 54 97 24


GPB (JSC) Bank Novy Urengoy Branch, Subsidiary Office

1, Gubkin Street, Salekhard, Yamal Nenets Autonomous Area, Tyumen Region 629008

Telefax (34922) 3 56 01, (34922) 3 56 25


GPB (JSC) Bank Novy Urengoy Branch, Subsidiary Office

38, Studencheskaya Street, Labytnangi, Yamal Nenets Autonomous Area, Tyumen Region 629400

Telefax (34992) 2 12 27, (34992) 2 12 77


GPB (JSC) Novosibirsk Bank

3, Oktyabrskaya Magistral Street, Novosibirsk 630099

Tel. (383) 236 28 88


GPB (JSC) Bank Novosibirsk Branch, Operational Office

92, Partizanskaya Street, Barnaul 656049

Tel. (3852) 539 160


GPB (JSC) Bank Omsk Branch

2, Magistralnaya Street, Omsk 644088

Tel. (3812) 69 62 17


GPB (JSC) Bank Orenburg Branch

70/2, Chkalov Street, Orenburg

Telefax (3532) 76 92 41


GPB (JSC) Bank Orenburg Branch, Subsidiary Office

93A, Sovetskaya Street, Novotroitsk, Orenburg Region 462363

Tel. (3537) 639 949


GPB (JSC) Bank Perm Branch

61, Monastyrskaya Street, Perm 614000

Telefax (342) 211 05 61


GPB (JSC) Bank Perm Branch, Subsidiary Office

20, Mira Street, Chaikovsky, Perm Area 617763

Telefax (34241) 22 3 54


GPB (JSC) Bank Perm Branch, Operational Office

247G, Udmurtskaya Street, Izhevsk, Republic of Udmurtia 426034

Tel. (3412) 41 24 80


GPB (JSC) Bank Rostov-on-Don Branch

20/17, Voroshilovsky Prospect, Rostov-on-Don 344006

Tel. (8632) 49 77 16


GPB (JSC) Bank Rostov-on-Don Branch, Subsidiary Office

17, Grecheskaya Street, Taganrog/ 24, 1st Krepostnoy Pereulok, Taganrog 347922

Telefax (8634) 314 729, (8634) 314 730


GPB (JSC) Bank Samara Branch

30, Lev Tolstoy Street, Samara 443010

Tel. (846) 332 07 43


GPB (JSC) Bank Samara Branch, Subsidiary Office

8, Marshal Zhukov Street, Toliatti, Samara Region 445051

Tel. (8482) 66 33 17


GPB (JSC) Bank Samara Branch, Operational Office

50, Engels Street, Ulyanovsk 432017

Tel. (8422) 41 09 40


GPB (JSC) Bank St. Petersburg Branch

4–6, Ispolkomovskaya Street, St. Petersburg 191024

Tel. (812) 365 13 09


GPB (JSC) Bank St. Petersburg Branch, Operational Office

33, Lenin Prospect, Ukhta 169313

Tel. (8216) 79 67 60


GPB (JSC) Bank St. Petersburg Branch, Operational Office

3, Gazovikov Street, Vuktyl, Komi Republic 169716

Tel. (82146) 21 9 45, (82146) 29 5 20


GPB (JSC) Bank St. Petersburg Branch, Operational Office

68, Pervomaiskaya Street, Syktyvkar, Komi Republic 167610

Telefax (8212) 20 13 22, 20 21 28


GPB (JSC) Bank St. Petersburg Branch, Operational Office

33, Neftianikov Street, Usinsk, Komi Republic 169711

Tel. (82144) 4 91 91


GPB (JSC) Bank St. Petersburg Branch, Operational Office

11, Lenin Street, Vologda 160001

Tel. (8172) 59 78 90 ext. 4523


GPB (JSC) Bank St. Petersburg Branch, Operational Office

95, Troitsky Prospect, Bldg. 1, Arkhangelsk 163000

Tel. (8182) 639 025


GPB (JSC) Bank Saratov Branch

91, Volskaya Street, Saratov 410005

Tel. (8452) 675 169, (8452) 675 129


GPB (JSC) Bank Saratov Branch, Operational Office

4, Slava Street, Penza 440000

Tel. (8412) 52 26 31 ext. 23 11


GPB (JSC) Bank Saratov Branch, Subsidiary Office

107A, Chapaev Street, Balakovo, Saratov Region 413840

Tel. (8453) 44 09 70


GPB (JSC) Bank Stavropol Branch

114, Dzerzhinsky Street, Stavropol 355000

Tel. (8652) 26 63 17


GPB (JSC) Bank Stavropol Branch, Operational Office

24, Ermoshkin Street, Makhachkala, Republic of Dagestan 367012

Tel. (8722) 67 53 46


GPB (JSC) Bank Surgut Branch

12, Svobody Boulevard, Surgut, Khanty Mansiysk Autonomous Area – Yugra, Tyumen Region 628417

Tel. (3462) 76 99 00


GPB (JSC) Bank Surgut Branch, Subsidiary Office

1/1, Universitetskaya Street, Surgut, Khanty Mansiysk Autonomous Area – Yugra, Tyumen Region 628417

Tel. (3462) 76 99 00


GPB (JSC) Bank Surgut Branch, Subsidiary Office

1, Omskaya Street, Nizhnevartovsk, Khanty Mansiysk Autonomous Area – Yugra, Tyumen Region 628609

Tel. (3466) 49 40 24, telefax (3466) 24 12 13


GPB (JSC) Bank Surgut Branch, Subsidiary Office

9, Stroiteli Street, Pionerskaya Zone, Nefteyugansk, Khanty Mansiysk Autonomous Area – Yugra 628309

Tel. (3463) 23 12 49


GPB (JSC) Bank Surgut Branch, Subsidiary Office

18V, Republika Street, Noyabrsk, Yamal Nenets Autonomous Area, Tyumen Region 629800

Telefax (3496) 36 97 82


GPB (JSC) Bank Surgut Branch, Subsidiary Office

4, Estate 14, Gubkinsky, Yamal Nenets Autonomous Area, Tyumen Region 629830

Tel. (34936) 5 26 85


GPB (JSC) Bank Surgut Branch, Subsidiary Office

49, Lenin Street, Noyabrsk, Yamal Nenets Autonomous Area, Tyumen Region 629800

Telefax (3496) 32 06 46


GPB (JSC) Bank Surgut Branch, Subsidiary Office

18, Gubkin Street, Megion, Khanty Mansiysk Autonomous Area – Yugra, Tyumen Region 628684

Tel. (34643) 36 508, (34643) 34 833


GPB (JSC) Bank Surgut Branch, Subsidiary Office

10, Geologicheskaya Street, Surgut, Khanty Mansiysk Autonomous Area – Yugra, Tyumen Region 628402

Tel. (3462) 52 30 41


GPB (JSC) Bank Surgut Branch, Subsidiary Office

31, Lenin Street, Yugorsk, Khanty Mansiysk Autonomous Area – Yugra, Tyumen Region 628260

Tel. (34675) 2 07 80


GPB (JSC) Bank Surgut Branch, Subsidiary Office

14, Gazpromovskaya Street, Un’yugan settlement, Oktiabrsky District, Khanty Mansiysk Autonomous Area – Yugra, Tyumen Region 628128

Tel. (34672) 4 84 47


GPB (JSC) Bank Surgut Branch, Subsidiary Office

Apt. 14, Building 1, Estate 4, Pripolyarny settlement, Berezovsky District, Tyumen Region 628158

Tel. (34674) 3 44 31


GPB (JSC) Bank Surgut Branch, Subsidiary Office

15, Mira Street, Yugorsk, Khanty Mansiysk Autonomous Area – Yugra, Tyumen Region 628260

Tel. (34675) 2 28 43


GPB (JSC) Bank Surgut Branch, Subsidiary Office

Ivdelskoye LPU, Ivdel 1, Sverdlovsk Region 624570

Tel. (34316) 5 35 48


GPB (JSC) Bank Surgut Branch, Subsidiary Office

2, Stroiteli Street, Pelym settlement, Ivdel District, Sverdlovsk Region 624582

Tel. (34386) 4 55 70


GPB (JSC) Bank Surgut Branch, Subsidiary Office

52, Mira Street, Khanty Mansiysk, Tyumen Region 628012

Tel. (3467) 30 00 23


GPB (JSC) Bank Surgut Branch, Subsidiary Office

7A, Molodost Street, Beloyarsky, Khanty Mansiysk Autonomous Area – Yugra, Tyumen Region 628162

Telefax (34670) 3 71 37


GPB (JSC) Bank Surgut Branch, Subsidiary Office

Office 1, 34, Tsentralnaya Street, Sorum settlement, Beloyarsky District, Khanty Mansiysk Autonomous Area – Yugra, Tyumen Region 628169

Tel. (34670) 36 1 60


GPB (JSC) Bank Surgut Branch, Subsidiary Office

Administrative Building of Bobrovsky LPU MG, Lykhma settlement, Beloyarsky District, Khanty Mansiysk Autonomous Area – Yugra, Tyumen Region 628173

Telefax (34670) 48 3 09


GPB (JSC) Bank Surgut Branch, Subsidiary Office

Apt. 11, 15, Shkolnaya Street, Sosnovka settlement, Beloyarsky District, Khanty Mansiysk Autonomous Area – Yugra, Tyumen Region 628177

Telefax (34670) 46 9 06


GPB (JSC) Bank Surgut Branch, Subsidiary Office

Apt. 38, Building 2, Estate 4, Verkhnekazymsky settlement, Beloyarsky District, Khanty Mansiysk Autonomous Area – Yugra, Tyumen Region 628172

Telefax (34670) 47 8 95


GPB (JSC) Bank Surgut Branch, Subsidiary Office

33, Kooperativnaya Street, Igrim urban settlement, Berezovsky District, Khanty Mansiysk Autonomous Area – Yugra, Tyumen Region 628146

Telefax (34674) 31 2 95


GPB (JSC) Bank Surgut Branch, Subsidiary Office

Apt. 19, Building 10, 2nd Estate, Khulimsunt settlement, Berezovsky District, Khanty Mansiysk Autonomous Area – Yugra, Tyumen Region 628156

Telefax (34674) 33 2 08


GPB (JSC) Bank Surgut Branch, Subsidiary Office

Apt. 14, 7, Naberezhnaya Street, Svetly settlement, Berezovsky District, Khanty Mansiysk Autonomous Area – Yugra, Tyumen Region 628147

Telefax (34674) 58 0 45


GPB (JSC) Bank Surgut Branch, Subsidiary Office

15, Sportivnaya Street, Priobie settlement, Oktyabrsky District, Khanty Mansiysk Autonomous Area – Yugra, Tyumen Region, 628126

Telefax (34678) 51 3 83


GPB (JSC) Bank Surgut Branch, Subsidiary Office

Apt. 1, Building 44, 2nd Estate, Nyagan, Khanty Mansiysk Autonomous Area – Yugra, Tyumen Region 628181

Tel. (34672) 5 54 08


GPB (JSC) Bank Surgut Branch, Subsidiary Office

Administrative Building RSU-6, Andra urban settlement, Oktiabrsky District, Khanty Mansiysk Autonomous Area – Yugra, Tyumen Region 628125

Telefax (34678) 49 1 90


GPB (JSC) Bank Surgut Branch, Subsidiary Office

16A, Spasennikova Street, Peregrebnoye settlement, Oktyabrsky District, Khanty Mansiysk Autonomous Area – Yugra, Tyumen Region 628109

Telefax (34678) 38 7 45


GPB (JSC) Bank Surgut Branch, Subsidiary Office

56, Lenin Street, Khanty Mansiysk, Tyumen Region 628012

Tel. (3467) 30 00 25


GPB (JSC) Bank Tomsk Branch

7, Pereulok 1905 Goda, Tomsk 634009

Tel. (3822) 610 150, (3822) 610 605, (3822) 610 626


GPB (JSC) Bank Tula Branch

106, Lenin Prospect, Tula 300026

Tel. (4872) 33 28 09


GPB (JSC) Bank Tula Branch, Operational Office

4, Ryleev Street, Kaluga 248030

Tel. (4842) 22 22 00, (4842) 79 54 64


GPB (JSC) Bank Tula Branch, Operational Office

56, Kudryavtsev Street, Ryazan 390000

Tel. (4912) 27 28 48, 27 07 80


GPB (JSC) Bank Tula Branch, Operational Office

27A, Nikolaev Street, Smolensk 214004

Tel. (4812) 35 49 88, (4812) 64 49 86


GPB (JSC) Bank Tula Branch, Operational Office

4, Partizan Square, Bryansk 241050

Tel. (4832) 58 94 34


GPB (JSC) Bank Tyumen Branch

20, Sovetskaya Street, Tyumen 625000

Tel. (3452) 54 04 88


GPB (JSC) Bank Tyumen Branch, Subsidiary Office

1A/6, Karl Marx Street, Ishim, Tyumen Region 627756

Telefax (34551) 7 59 42


GPB (JSC) Bank Tyumen Branch, Subsidiary Office

29a/1, 4th Estate, Tobolsk, Tyumen Region 626152

Tel. (3456) 34 30 91


GPB (JSC) Bank Ufa Branch

138, Mendeleev Street, Ufa, Republic of Bashkortostan 450022

Tel. (347) 256 67 85, (347) 256 69 69


GPB (JSC) Bank Ufa Branch, Subsidiary Office

4, Dzerzhinsky Street, Salavat, Republic of Bashkortostan 453261

Tel. (3476) 35 29 86, (3476) 35 28 22


GPB (JSC) Bank Ufa Branch, Subsidiary Office

87, Khudaiberdina Street, Sterlitamak, Republic of Bashkortostan 453116

Tel. (3473) 43 65 93, (3473) 43 22 18


GPB (JSC) Bank Ufa Branch, Subsidiary Office

19A, Lenin Street, Neftekamsk, Republic of Bashkortostan 452681

Tel./fax: (34783) 3 44 33, (34783) 3 44 34


GPB (JSC) Khabarovsk Bank

46, Turgenev Street, Khabarovsk 680000

Tel. (4212) 41 69 49, (4212) 41 69 41


GPB (JSC) Bank Khabarovsk Branch, Operational Office

2, Svyatitel Innokentiy Pereulok, Blagoveschensk, Amur Region 675000

Tel. (4162) 31 80 03


GPB (JSC) Bank Khabarovsk Branch, Subsidiary Office

21, Pervostroiteli Prospect, Komsomolsk-on-Amur 681000

Tel. (4217) 24 10 03, (4217) 24 10 05


GPB (JSC) Bank Vladivostok Branch

5A, Uborevich Street, Vladivostok 690091

Tel. (4232) 65 08 35, (4232) 65 08 36


GPB (JSC) Bank Yuzhno Sakhalinsk Branch

30, Pobedy Prospect, Yuzhno Sakhalinsk 693007

Tel. (4242) 454 026, (4242) 454 016


GPB (JSC) Bank Yakutsk Branch

1st–2nd Floor, 18, Ammosov Street, Yakutsk 677000

Tel. (4112) 42 59 88


GPB (JSC) Yakutsk Branch, Subsidiary Office

6, Lenin Prospect, Neriungri, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) 678960

Tel. (41147) 44 567, (41147) 32 278

JSC «Gazprom» Board of Directors