June 29

Gazprom: new routes
Keynote statement by Alexey Miller

Natural gas is firmly establishing itself as the most reliable energy carrier capable of meeting a wide range of global energy challenges. This helps us face the future with confidence and optimism. Gazprom will further maintain its business as market driven. Our underlying principle is that gas should be sold first and only then the infrastructure has to be built and supplies have to be provided. This ensures the necessary stability of our business and security of investments. The results of the last year of 2011 are another proof of this principle. We attained great financial and operating results despite a complicated situation in gas markets.

Based on the 2011 operating results the Gazprom Board of Directors recommends paying out dividends in the amount of RUB 212.4 billion, which is almost RUB 9 per share. The 2011 dividends will break the all-time records and constitute 230 per cent of the last-year level.

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Press Conferences

Press releases on preparations for the Meeting