Candidates list

List of board nominees to be voted for at the annual general shareholders’ meeting
Akimov Andrey Igorevich Chairman of the Management Committee, AB Gazprombank Ltd.
Ananenkov Alexander Georgiyevich Deputy Chairman of the Management Committee, OAO Gazprom
Androsov Kirill Gennadiyevich Deputy Minister for Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation
Bergmann Burckhard Chairman of the Management Committee, E.ON Ruhrgas AG.
Foresman Bob Managing Director, Head of Investment banking in Russia, Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein
Fyodorov Boris Grigoriyevich Doctor of Science in Economics
Gazizullin Farit Rafikovich Member of the Board of Director of OAO Gazprom
Glazer Sergey Fyodorovich Director, Vostok Nafta Investment Ltd.
Gref German Oskarovich Economic Development and Trade Minister of the Russian Federation
Karpel Elena Yevgeniyevna Head of Economic Expertise and Pricing Department, OAO Gazprom
Khristenko Viktor Borisovich Industry and Energy Minister of the Russian Federation
Kleyner Vadim Georgiyevich Director of Corporate Research, Hermitage Capital Management
Kuznetsov Vladimir Viktorovich Deputy Head of the Federal Agency for Energy
Medvedev Dmitry Anatoliyevich First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation
Medvedev Yury Mitrofanovich Deputy Head of the Federal Property Management Agency
Miller Alexey Borisovich Chairman of the Management Committee, OAO Gazprom
Naryshkin Sergey Yevgenievich Minister of the Russian Federation, Chief of the Russian Federation Government Staff
Neyolov Yury Vasiliyevich Governor of Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Area
Oganesyan Sergey Aramovich Head of the Federal Agency for Energy
Ryan Charles Emmitt Chairman of the Board of Directors & CEO, United Financial Group
Ryazanov Alexander Nikolayevich Deputy Chairman of the Management Committee, OAO Gazprom
Sereda Mikhail Leonidovich Deputy Chairman of the Management Committee, Head of Administration, OAO Gazprom
Shcherbovich Ilya Viktorovich President, United Financial Group
Shokhin Alexander Nikolayevich Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Renaissance Capital
Warnig Matthias Chairman of the Board of Directors, Dresdner Bank, Chairman of Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein Management Committee for Russia and CIS
Yusufov Igor Khanukovich Special Envoy of the Russian Federation President for International Energy Cooperation
  • The list of nominees is compiled based on the Board of Directors' resolution from February 1, 2006
  • The list of nominees is compiled based on the Board of Directors' resolution from February 6, 2006