Gazprom’s achievements over 2004

Gas production – 545 bcm,
earnings – rur 887 bln,
net profit – rur 161 bln

Alexey Miller's Statement
Chairman of Gazprom’s Management Committee

“The Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting is a crucial and challenging event for our Company. On June 24, Gazprom’s top management will report on the work done over the past year and will disclose promising corporate development projections”.

Report by Dmitry Medvedev

“Prior to addressing the topical matters, let me touch upon the upcoming liberalization of Gazprom’s share market and related aspects”.


Materials to Shareholders

Annual report (PDF, 2.7 MB)
Financial report (PDF, 487.4 KB)
Fact book 2000–2004 (PDF, 337.7 KB)
Report for shareholders (PDF, 95.3 KB)

Candidates list

News releases devoted to Gazprom’s Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting

News releases devoted to the preparation for Gazprom’s annual General Shareholders’ Meeting

May 17

Board keeps addressing upcoming annual general shareholders’ meeting issues