
Glossary of basic terms Convertion table

2HSecond half (of the year)
3DThree dimensional
ADRAmerican depositary receipt
AEPSAutomated Electronic Procurement System
APGAssociated petroleum gas
APRThe Asia-Pacific region, which includes countries of mainland Asia, America, and Pacific Ocean Area
bboeBillion barrels of oil equivalent
bcmBillion cubic metres
boeBarrel of oil equivalent
CAFCorporate adjustment factor
CCGTCombined cycle gas turbine
CGTUComprehensive gas treatment unit
CHPPCombined heat and power plant
CNGCompressed natural gas
CNG filling stationCompressed natural gas filling station
CO2Carbon dioxide
CSCompressor station
cu mCubic metre
EBITDAEarnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortisation
EMSEnvironmental Management System
EOREnhanced oil recovery
EPCMEngineering, procurement, and construction management
ESGEnvironmental, social, and corporate governance
EUEuropean Union
European far abroad countries24 EU countries (excluding Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia), non-EU countries (Turkey, UK, Norway, and Switzerland), and the Balkan states of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, and Serbia
Far abroad countriesForeign countries other than FSU countries
FSU countriesFormer Soviet Union republics, except for the Russian Federation
GBPBritish pounds sterling
GHGGreenhouse gas
GPPGas and/or condensate processing plant
GRESState district power station
GTPPGas turbine power plant
GTSGas transportation system
HHVHigher heating value
HPPHydropower plant
HRHuman resources
IFRSInternational Financial Reporting Standards
JSC/AOJoint stock company
KPIsKey performance indicators
LNGLiquefied natural gas
mcmThousand cubic metres
MCSMobile compressor station
mmcmMillion cubic metres
NGVNatural gas vehicle
NGV fuelNatural gas vehicle fuel
NSDNational Settlement Depository
OOOLimited liability company
OPECOrganisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries
PGTUPreliminary gas treatment unit
PJSC/PAOPublic joint stock company
R&DResearch and development
RASRussian Accounting Standards
RMICSRisk Management and Internal Control System
RUBRussian rouble
SMEsSmall and medium-sized enterprises
SPTsStrategic performance targets
t c.e.Tonnes of coal equivalent
tcmTrillion cubic metres
TPPThermal power plant
UGSFUnderground gas storage facility
UGSSUnified Gas Supply System
UISUnified Information System of public procurement of goods, works, and services for state and municipal needs
US(A)United States of America
USDUnited States (US) dollars
UWSMSUnified Workplace Safety Management System
VATValue added tax
ISO 14001:2015International standard in environmental management of the International Organisation for Standardisation
ISO 45001:2018International OHS standard of the International Organisation for Standardisation
ISO 50001:2018International standard in energy management of the International Organisation for Standardisation