Glossary of basic terms Convertion table
2H | Second half (of the year) |
3D | Three dimensional |
ADR | American depositary receipt |
AEPS | Automated Electronic Procurement System |
APG | Associated petroleum gas |
APR | The Asia-Pacific region, which includes countries of mainland Asia, America, and Pacific Ocean Area |
bboe | Billion barrels of oil equivalent |
bcm | Billion cubic metres |
bn | Billion |
boe | Barrel of oil equivalent |
CAF | Corporate adjustment factor |
CCGT | Combined cycle gas turbine |
CGTU | Comprehensive gas treatment unit |
CHPP | Combined heat and power plant |
CNG | Compressed natural gas |
CNG filling station | Compressed natural gas filling station |
CO2 | Carbon dioxide |
CS | Compressor station |
cu m | Cubic metre |
EBITDA | Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortisation |
EMS | Environmental Management System |
EOR | Enhanced oil recovery |
EPCM | Engineering, procurement, and construction management |
ESG | Environmental, social, and corporate governance |
EU | European Union |
European far abroad countries | 24 EU countries (excluding Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia), non-EU countries (Turkey, UK, Norway, and Switzerland), and the Balkan states of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, and Serbia |
Far abroad countries | Foreign countries other than FSU countries |
FSU countries | Former Soviet Union republics, except for the Russian Federation |
GBP | British pounds sterling |
Gcal | Gigacalorie |
GHG | Greenhouse gas |
GPP | Gas and/or condensate processing plant |
GRES | State district power station |
GTPP | Gas turbine power plant |
GTS | Gas transportation system |
GW | Gigawatt |
HHV | Higher heating value |
HPP | Hydropower plant |
HR | Human resources |
IFRS | International Financial Reporting Standards |
JSC/AO | Joint stock company |
kcal | Kilocalorie |
km | Kilometre |
KPIs | Key performance indicators |
kWh | Kilowatt-hour |
LNG | Liquefied natural gas |
mcm | Thousand cubic metres |
MCS | Mobile compressor station |
mm | Million |
mm | Millimetre |
mmcm | Million cubic metres |
MW | Megawatt |
NGV | Natural gas vehicle |
NGV fuel | Natural gas vehicle fuel |
NSD | National Settlement Depository |
OOO | Limited liability company |
OPEC | Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries |
Pa | Pascal |
PGTU | Preliminary gas treatment unit |
PJSC/PAO | Public joint stock company |
R&D | Research and development |
RAS | Russian Accounting Standards |
RMICS | Risk Management and Internal Control System |
RUB | Russian rouble |
SMEs | Small and medium-sized enterprises |
SPTs | Strategic performance targets |
t c.e. | Tonnes of coal equivalent |
tcm | Trillion cubic metres |
TPP | Thermal power plant |
UGSF | Underground gas storage facility |
UGSS | Unified Gas Supply System |
UIS | Unified Information System of public procurement of goods, works, and services for state and municipal needs |
US(A) | United States of America |
USD | United States (US) dollars |
UWSMS | Unified Workplace Safety Management System |
VAT | Value added tax |
ISO 14001:2015 | International standard in environmental management of the International Organisation for Standardisation |
ISO 45001:2018 | International OHS standard of the International Organisation for Standardisation |
ISO 50001:2018 | International standard in energy management of the International Organisation for Standardisation |